Martyn McGeown. Called to Watch for Christ’s Return. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2016. xviii, 286 pp. (includes textual index). Paperback.
With all the natural and governmental upheaval of our times, many are asking if this is because Christ is about to return. Of course, there are those who readily try to give a “scriptural” answer. All too often these answers bring fear, not comfort, to the believer. Because of this, this new volume on Christ’s return is very important.
Rev. Martyn McGeown has produced an excellent and readable volume on Matthew 24–25, often called “The Little Apocalypse.” Originally a series of eighteen sermons delivered to his congregation, the Limerick Reformed Fellowship in Limerick, Ireland, the book deals with the signs of Christ’s coming and how we ought to be watching for this glorious event yet to come. He writes in his introduction: “Let us then sit at the feet of the Master, as he instructs us about those things that must come to pass. Let us not fear, for these things concern our salvation.”
McGeown’s explanation of the last things follows the Reformed and amillennial approach. Often he points out the errors of premillennialism and postmillennialism. His position is the position held by the late Dr. William Hendriksen, who gave us so much literature on the last things.
This book is a gem. It is filled with sound teaching, and at the same time it is filled with comfort and blessing for God’s people. For those who want to know more about what the Bible teaches on this important area of biblical truth, these chapters on the Little Apocalypse will be of great spiritual value.
A word of thanks is to be given to Rev. McGeown for his hard work. We look forward to more books with his biblical insight.
Rev. Jerome M. Julien is a retired pastor and is a member of Walker United Reformed Church.