Everything is Achan

“When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonian garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.” (Joshua 7:21) Achan was one […]

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What is Reformed Worship? (III) It is Covenantal

As a community of faith, the Church is in a relationship with her Triune God of grace. Scripture describes this relationship as a marriage (Eph. 5). As such, it is both legal and intimate. What draws these different spheres of thought together is that our marriage relationship is a covenant. In this covenant, our purpose, […]

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Dr. B. Wentsel: Pastor, Theologian, Author, Apologist

Why write an article about a relatively unknown Dutch theologian in North American Reformed circles? Why choose Dr. Wentsel instead of a well-known Dutch theologian whose works are available in English? This year, 2007, the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC) is celebrating its founding year–1857. Ever since her beginning, she has been in […]

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The statistics are staggering. 10,623 casualties in the Revolutionary War. 6,765 casualties in the War of 1812. 17,435 casualties in the Mexican War. 970,227 casualties in the Civil War. 4,108 casualties in the Spanish-American War. 320,710 casualties in World War I. 1,078,162 casualties in World War II. 136,935 casualties in the Korean War. 211,471 casualties […]

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Longing for Salvation Restored

Psalm 137 begins, “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept.” In 586 B.C. the southern kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity by Babylon. The Israelites were living as foreigners in a beautiful city; yet, they wept, for they were not home. The Psalmist writes that they sat and wept when they remembered […]

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Book Review, A Biblical Case for Natural Law

A Biblical Case for Natural Law, by David VanDrunen. Grand Rapids: the Acton Institute, 2006. 69 pages. Reviewed by Mr. Matthew Tuininga. American Christians intent on calling their nation back to its Christian founding love to quote II Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray and […]

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Classis Southwest U.S. convened on the afternoon of June 12, for its nineteenth stated time, at the New Covenant United Reformed Church of Twin Falls, Idaho. The weather and scenery were as beautiful as the fellowship enjoyed by the forty delegates attending. Rev. Alrick Headley, assisted by Dr. Greg Bero, led the delegates through the […]

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Report on meeting of Classis Central US June 11-12, 2007

Classis Central US of the URCNA convened at Faith United Reformed Church of Beecher, Ill. at the appointed time. Two recent Mid-America graduates have been declared candidates for the ministry and a proposed Web site was given the green light at a recent meeting of Classis Central US. Held at Faith URC in Beecher, Ill., […]

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