The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great […]
Classis Central US met at Covenant Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa — January 16–17, 2006 A lengthy agenda awaited the delegates of Classis Central US when they met on the evening of January 16 at Covenant Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa. Despite its length, however, the business at hand was ripe with opportunities to sing […]
In just a shade more than eight hours, delegates to a recent meeting of Classis Central US approved the addition of one church and two ministers, as well as addressing requests for advice in more than a dozen discipline or pastoral matters. On Tuesday, March 21, Classis Central US convened in the sanctuary of Grace […]
His Christian family and his upbringing as a member of the Covenant – that’s the soil from which Nick Smith’s desire to enter the ministry grew. His desire became serious when, Mr. Smith said, during his high school years, as he developed a love for Reformed theology. Encouraged by his pastor, he enrolled at Covenant […]
Classis Central US of the URCNA convened at Faith United Reformed Church of Beecher, Ill. at the appointed time. Two recent Mid-America graduates have been declared candidates for the ministry and a proposed Web site was given the green light at a recent meeting of Classis Central US. Held at Faith URC in Beecher, Ill., […]
When Synod Schererville 2007 convened on Monday, July 9, at Trinity Christian College, its delegates raised their voices in psalms extolling the unity of God’s people. An exhortation by Rev. Paul Ipema called delegates to remember the blessing of the unity which they have – and which they must cultivate – in Christ. But exhortations […]