Longing for Salvation Restored

Psalm 137 begins, “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept.” In 586 B.C. the southern kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity by Babylon. The Israelites were living as foreigners in a beautiful city; yet, they wept, for they were not home. The Psalmist writes that they sat and wept when they remembered […]

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The Almighty King Worship Him in His Holiness

Psalm 99 There is a theme that runs through­out the entire Bible. It is evident in the creation of the world, in the calling of Abraham, the giving of the law, the sacrificial system, the tent of meeting, tabernacle and temple. It is evident with the death of Achan when he disobeyed the Lord and […]

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This is an amended version of a paper I wrote as a student at Mid America Reformed Seminary for a Denominational History class with Dr. C. Venema. Introduction Generation after generation of Reformed Christians has had to defend their Christian schools. The influences and mentality over the last twelve decades or so of Christian education […]

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“I Am the Bread of Life”: A Devotional on John 6:35

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” —John 6:35 Our focus in this series will be on the seven “I Am” statements taken from the Gospel of John. In each of the statements, we learn […]

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