Classis Southwest U.S. convened on the afternoon of June 12, for its nineteenth stated time, at the New Covenant United Reformed Church of Twin Falls, Idaho. The weather and scenery were as beautiful as the fellowship enjoyed by the forty delegates attending.
Rev. Alrick Headley, assisted by Dr. Greg Bero, led the delegates through the full agenda. The first afternoon was taken up with the candidacy examination of Mr. Quentin Falkena. Mr. Falkena sustained all the areas in which he was examined and is now eligible to be declared a candidate for the office of minister of the Word by his consistory.
After enjoying a wonderful meal together, the delegates assembled again at night to have an informal discussion about the agenda items of the upcoming synod. It was profitable to begin some discussion about the various matters that will be dealt with at Synod 2007.
The next day began with greetings from Rev. David Bass of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Then classis moved on to conduct a colloquium doctum requested by the Cloverdale United Reformed Church of Boise, Idaho, for Rev. Jonathan Van Hoogen. The colloquium doctum was sustained, and Rev. Van Hoogen may now be called to serve the Boise congregation.
Several housekeeping matters were dealt with such as the reports of church visitors and the appointments to synodical committees. After lunch on Wednesday, the delegates conducted another partial candidacy examination. This one was not sustained. Then, Classis once again, affirmed the use of the keys of the kingdom by giving advice to consistories requesting to proceed with church discipline. One overture was adopted, which seeks to clarify the appeals process outlined in the Church Order.
Classis will convene next on January 15, 2008, (D.V.) in Walnut Creek, California.
Respectfully submitted, Rev. Bradd L. Nymeyer, clerk Classis Southwest U.S.