Eschatology, the doctrine of the “last things,” is one of the most divisive topics among evangelical Protestants today. While today there is Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, Theonomic Postmillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, Dispensational Premillennialism, Progressive Dispensationalism, and Preterism, whether Partial or Consistent, the early Protestants all agreed in their Confessions of Faith that this life was one of suffering […]

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Psalm 46 and A Mighty Fortress is Our God

1527 is held to be the year that Martin Luther suffered the most from his frequent bouts of depression. Luther explains that the content of his depression was always the same, the loss of faith that God is good and that He is good to me. He used a German word to describe these times […]

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Tension in Medieval Expositions

The Reformation cannot be isolated from the history that went before it. Even so, certain themes of the Reformation could be difficult to find during long periods of the medieval church. Two such themes were the normative position of the Scriptures and a strongly emphasized soteriology of justification by grace through faith alone. These two […]

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Reformed Education: A Glorious Heritage

Four hundred years ago the Dutch Reformed were strongly committed to providing Reformed Christian education for their covenant children and youth. Up to the mid-twentieth century this commitment thrived in North America among those of Dutch extraction who held the Reformed faith dear. These Reformed Christian schools, in turn, were a great blessing to the […]

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Read Genesis 27:30–28:9 Introduction In the first part of Genesis 27 we read of events in a covenant home where no one seems to trust the other members, where parental favoritism sets into motion some very ungodly actions, and where we are embarrassed to think of these people as our spiritual ancestors. Again, we must […]

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The Institution of the Lord’s Supper: Some Observations The accounts of the institution of the Lord’s Supper in the Synoptic Gospels are of particular importance to our understanding of the sacrament. Though there are several slight differences in the respective Gospel accounts, these differences do not materially affect our understanding of the sacrament’ institution, constituent […]

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The Ungodly Departure

The several men seated around the table have worked hard on the case in the past months. Prayers, ponderings, discussions, meetings, phone calls, and letters have all been agonizingly employed in an attempt to regain the erring brother or sister by means of Christian Discipline. The steps have not been taken lightly, nor has the […]

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