The legendary children’s poem, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Robert Browning, tells the story about a town named Hamelin, which was overrun with a plague of rats. A strange-looking man with a pipe, in brightly-colored clothes, who gave his name as the Pied Piper, came to the town’s officials; for an agreed upon fee, […]
When I was a boy, my family did a lot of fishing. Sometimes we came in from fishing at night, and we were tired. But there was one rule that was never broken: “If you catch ‘em, you clean ‘em!” Don’t complain that you’re tired or think the fish can keep until morning. The fish […]
Maryland has the dubious distinction of being the first state to pass a law mandating handgun locks. It does not matter that Governor Parris Glendening couldn’t free a locked handgun without assistance at a news conference called to demonstrate the supposed logic of the law he backs. (A videotape of his failed struggle to unlock […]
In the past issues, we wrote about how God is the source of authority. He mediates His will to us by way of His Word. And so the Word, because it is God’s Word, has authority over our lives. Further, we said that God approaches us in life through several agents. We wrote about parental […]
“For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man: the man Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:5) The Reformers discovered from the Scriptures that God’s covenant promises are mediated to men by Christ alone. They learned further that the riches of salvation are fully possessed by those who are united to Christ. He […]
When I was a little guy, my parents would take me to the Protestant chapel at whatever army post to which my father was assigned, and I would sit through an hour of the most boring part of my week. It was worse than watching paint dry because I had to “be still.” This went […]
Most everyone is sensitive to the power and influence of technology on our culture and particularly on our economy. As the NASDAQ rises and falls with the tech stocks, our economy is affected profoundly. As we go through our day using telephones, cell phones, computers, email, and even driving our computer-designed and supported automobiles, we […]
This article is the third in a brief series of articles on the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. These articles are adapted from two public addresses given at a Banner of Truth Conference in May, 1998. The first article in the series dealt with the importance of the doctrine, especially in […]
On Sunday, March 12, 2000, Pope John Paul II led a service of repentance at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. News agencies reported widely that this service was unique in the history of the Roman Church. Never before throughout its history had a pope acknowledged in this way the sins of the faithful against other […]
STUDY FINDS ONE IN FIVE HAVE SEEN INTERNET PORN COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (EP) — A study commissioned by Focus on the Family found that one out of five American adults has looked for sexually explicit material on the Internet. A March 8–10 survey of 1,031 adults found that 20 percent admitted visiting a sexually-oriented web […]