The Jesus Seminar

Twice per year over the last decade, a group of 75 self-appointed Bible scholars have gotten together in “The Jesus Seminar” to discuss what can be known about the man called Jesus of Nazareth. Co-chaired by retired University of Montana professor Robert Funk, and DePaul University, Chicago, professor John Dominic Crossan, this group of rebel […]

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Please, Just Listen!

Upon invitation I attended a Safe group meeting, not to speak but to listen. To go somewhere just to listen is not so easy for a preacher. Preachers tend to speak. But I was invited to listen. Listen, I did—listened and learned, and was moved to tears. Safe is a group of sisters in the […]

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Agents of Authority

In the last issue, the source of authority was written about. God is the source of all authority. God the Father gave authority to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ exercised authority while on earth authority to forgive sins, to drive out demons, to teach, to judge, and to give eternal life. Today the […]

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Authority: Style and Limits of Authority (III)

Two issues back we considered the source of authority. God is the source. He reveals to us His will through the Word, the Scriptures. Last time we addressed the topic of the agents of authority. As we go about our business in life, God comes to us mainly through three agents: our parents, the church, […]

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