2 Corinthians 4:16–5:8 “And he died…And he died…And he died…” (Genesis 5). The repeated refrain reverberates in our ears echoing the dreadful damnation, “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). Death is the way of all the earth. Not one of us is free from the talons of this beast. […]
In this issue of The Outlook we want to say thank you to our typesetter/graphic layout artist, Mary Van Der Aa, and our proofreader, Norene Aukeman. Mary came to us as a new bride, full of enthusiasm and creative ideas for our journal. She has worked very hard to produce an attractive format through which […]
In the last issue, the source of authority was written about. God is the source of all authority. God the Father gave authority to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ exercised authority while on earth authority to forgive sins, to drive out demons, to teach, to judge, and to give eternal life. Today the […]
One thing that I learned from my fisherman grandfather was that a serious fisherman always keeps a rod handy. You never know when you’ll have a chance to fish and you don’t want to be unprepared. I remember well the rod and baits that Grandpa kept in the trunk of his car. In the course […]
“If you lie about this, what else will you lie about?” asked Bill Bradley of Vice-President Al Gore in a recent debate. He was talking about Gore’s mischaracterization of his plan for universal health insurance. A few days later, Bradley got his answer. Gore would lie about his position on abortion. I’ve frequently quoted from […]
While the growing movement to legalize same-sex marriage has raised many issues, it has also exposed deep cracks in the framework of American Christianity. Among those fractures is the fact that church denominations are either accepting the homosexual lifestyle or at least struggling with the lifestyle’s implications in their general assemblies. Some rogue or splinter […]
At the end of chapter 12 we left Satan standing on the seashore. He has been cast out of heaven. He knows himself unable to destroy the true church. But filled with rage, he is determined “to make war” on “the seed of the woman. And in order to carry this out, he needs helpers […]
Revelation 13:11–18 Without pause John introduces us to another beast, totaling two. Two, often in Scripture, indicate companionship and cooperation. And these, both under Satan’s influence, are not rivals competing for attention. Rather, they are preparing the way for “Babylon, the great whore” of chapter 17. Anti-christian civilization, always present incipiently from the beginning, will […]
Revelation 14:1–5 What terrifying scenes have been recorded for us by John. The “dragon” is making war on the seed of the woman. Two beasts rise up to carry out his efforts to destroy the people of the Lord. They are so successful that in time, almost without exception, all who dwell on earth will […]
Have you said, “If I hear another word about Y2K I’m going to scream!”? Well, start screaming because this isn’t a done deal yet. It’s obvious that the threat was very real since American corporations don’t make a habit of pouring millions of dollars down “non-issue” drains. Our nation and even the world seems to […]