Is Christmas Necessary?

Can you imagine a winter without Christmas? We were being reminded of Christmas by the retailers long before Thanksgiving Day. Is Christmas really important? Our economy depends on it. Over half of the annual retail sales of major stores happen during the Christmas season. The economies of Europe and the Far East also depend on […]

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The Value of an Unwritten Letter (Part I)

Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, to those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: “Mercy, peace and love be ours in abundance. Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt […]

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Reclaiming the Meaning of Christmas

Someone recently gave me an article written by a pastor who was bemoaning the fact that the vast majority of Americans have apparently become oblivious to the essence of December 25. He writes a now familiar refrain, “Does it seem that we have forgotten whose birthday it is? Christmas is our Lord’s birthday. He is […]

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What About “Special Music”?

Christian believers who are alert to contemporary developments in the area of worship are, undoubtedly, aware of what have come to be known as “worship wars.” Though disputes about Christian doctrine or teaching can become heated, they seldom compare in intensity of feeling and conviction with disputes about what is proper in the public worship […]

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Standing in the Schoolhouse Door Again

In 1963, Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in a schoolhouse door in a failed attempt to keep blacks from entering. Federal marshals forced the door open. Thirty-seven years later, a Florida judge has effectively stood in the schoolhouse door, barring minority and poor children from getting out of their failed schools and into private schools […]

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Reformed Teachers are Different…Right?

Bobby Knight has a rather unique teaching philosophy: He’ll do whatever it takes to get through to his young charges, up to and including yelling at them, swearing at them and even kicking the occasional pupil or two. And for the most part, the infamous NCAA basketball coach gets away with it. The tirades and […]

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Jesus Tenting Among Us

One of the most famous statements in John’s gospel is found in John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and tented among us, and we beheld his glory, glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” What does the verb “tented” mean in this verse? An early translation of the NIV […]

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A Letter to Friend About Spiritual Warfare

Doug and PJ Higby, Wycliffe translation missionaries to the Fulani nomads in Mali, West Africa, are supported by the church I serve. Over the last year, they rejoiced in a wonderful gift of God named Aboubacar, an incredibly brilliant linguist. Aboubacar spoke six languages fluently, was a master of Biblical Hebrew, and was an incredible […]

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Church & World December 2000

The board of Reformed Fellowship and The Outlook was recently honored to receive a request from the Riga Reformed Theological Seminary for permission to translate two of Dr. Venema’s books into the Latvian language: But for the Grace of God (a treatment of the Canons of Dort), and What We Believe (a treatment of the […]

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