“The influence which emanates from all these (non-Christian) organizations is thus without exception destructive for our Christian confession…In such anarchistic, socialistic or neutral associations a spirit is operative which never can or may be ours…Thus our principle settles down at the point of non-activity, loses its position of influence and is pressed into the corner…” These […]
Lutheran Heresy Trial . . . Considerable attention has been paid to the preliminary trial of the Rev. George Crist, Jr., accused by his denomination, the Northwest Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America, of “holding, teaching and preaching doctrines in conflict with the Lutheran faith.” Result of this investigation: Pastor Crist was adjudged guilty on nine counts, […]
No one likes to be called a stock or a block. Our Reformed fathers who wrote the Canons of Dort did not fancy the name either. That is why they took the trouble to mention this matter in Chapters III–IV. Article 16. God’s grace of regeneration “does not treat men as senseless stocks and blocks, nor […]
“If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5. These are the words of God in answer to Jeremiah’s question: “Wherefore doth […]
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Theologians, usually more interested in “sheep” than “goats,” have recently become profoundly interested in the results of one stray goat. A shepherd’s search for a lost goat in the desert of ancient Judah led to the discovery of ancient manuscripts in a cave near the Dead Sea in 1947. Chief interest so […]
Studies in Isaiah EDWARD J. YOUNG (William B. Eerdman Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1954, pp. 206, $2.50.) Professor E. J. Young of Westminster Theological Seminary continues his scholarly contributions to the literature of the Old Testament with Studies in Isaiah, a series of short articles dealing with various problems raised by the critical study of Isaiah. As expected, Prof. Young […]
Confession of faith in the triune God is an indispensable feature of the worship of the Church. Usually the Apostles’ Creed (in some churches the Nicene Creed is also employed) is the vehicle for the purpose of our common confession of faith. In the congregation of which I am a member this is followed by the […]
Story of the Old World JOHN DE BIE (William B. Eerdman, Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1954, pp. 409, $4.95) This is a text book prepared by the National Union of Christian Schools for use in elementary and junior high school teaching. Its general scope is western civilization from earliest days down to around 1650 […]