Revived by Sabbath Revival

The Christian Sabbath as known historically by Reformed Christians is in serious trouble. It is attacked by the secular culture of North America and largely ignored by many evangelical Christians. Even among Reformed Christians a profound uncertainty as to the theology and practice of the Sabbath seems widespread. The danger is very real that the […]

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A BIBLICAL MODEL OF SEXUALITY Three things are critical to a Christian model of sexuality. Sex is a key way that a person expresses worship (Romans 1:18–27) Romans 1:21–27 portrays sex as a principal way in which a person reveals who or what is really ruling his life. Sexual sin is by its very nature […]

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Returning to the Gospel of Grace

I’ve been thinking a lot about the gospel lately. Not so much the gospel in relation to salvation but the gospel as it relates to one’s daily walk as a Christian. To be honest, my experience has been that most Christians live as if to say, “I needed the gospel and God’s grace when I […]

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Comfort Ye My People

When it pleased the Lord in the latter days of Hezekiah, King of Judah, to prepare good news through Isaiah the prophet for the exiles who, a century and a half later, would dwell by the rivers of Babylon, He gave this command (Isaiah 40:1–2): Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak […]

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Discernment in Worship

Question: How can we tell the difference between the true church and the false church? Answer: The marks by which the true Church is known are the pure preaching of the doctrine of the gospel; maintaining the pure administration of the sacraments as instituted by Christ; in short, if all things are managed according to […]

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Educating Children vs. Preserving an Institution

One of the most important debates in this Congress is about to begin over the future of our children. Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-GA) is again offering a bill that would allow parents, or anyone else, to put as many as 2,000 after-tax dollars per year into an education savings account that would draw tax-free interest […]

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A REWARD OF GRACE, NOT MERIT If the kinds of passages I have considered, teach not only that Christ will reward the righteous at the final judgment for their works, but also that this reward will vary in degree, depending upon the nature and quality of the works in question, then there are several questions […]

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As the Twig is Bent (I)

My husband and I live in a luscious fruit belt on the western side of Michigan, bordering Lake Michigan. Among the many acres of mature fruit trees, one will often see a new orchard with row upon row of twigs tied to wooden stakes which are standing straight and tall. These tender shoots are attached […]

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Peacemaking (III)

If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three […]

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Church & World: LATVIA – A New Beachhead for Christ

In January of this year, I had the privilege of teaching at a fledgling Reformed seminary in Riga. Latvia. under the auspices of International Theological Education Ministries, Inc. lTEM, formerly, Christ for Russia, Inc. Dr. George Van Groningen, who introduced readers of The Outlook to the work of Christ for Russia in the Ukraine in […]

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