Expulsion – A Door of Opportunity

On March 7, 1995, the North Grand Rapids Ciassis of the Reformed Church in America voted “to remove the Seventh Reformed Church, its property and assets” from the classis and thus also from the Reformed Church in America (RCA). The crisis was precipitated by the General Synod 1993 which required congregations to subscribe for the […]

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A RCA Church in Relation to the Alliance

I am now a member of an orphan church. I refer to the Seventh Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, of which I was once the pastor, and to which I now belong under the excellent pastoral leadership of my successor, the Rev. Dr. John R. de Witt. On March 7, 1995, our classis, the North […]

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Comfort Ye My People

When it pleased the Lord in the latter days of Hezekiah, King of Judah, to prepare good news through Isaiah the prophet for the exiles who, a century and a half later, would dwell by the rivers of Babylon, He gave this command (Isaiah 40:1–2): Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak […]

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The Unique Character of the Bible

It is already two years ago that the great tragedy of September 11 occurred. We were all wondering at that time what the future would hold, whether there would be still more attacks upon the country, and how we would deal with such attacks. Clearly we were faced with something we had not faced before […]

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Comfort Ye My People

This article first appeared in the May, 1999, issue of The Outlook. When it pleased the Lord in the latter days of Hezekiah, King of Judah, to pre­pare good news through Isaiah the prophet for the exiles who, a cen­tury and a half later, would dwell by the rivers of Babylon, He gave this command […]

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