Can the Family Survive?

We are honored to have Charles Donovan from the Family Research Council write a series of articles for The Outlook. Not only is Mr. Donovan an eminently qualified expert in the field of family values, but he and the Council represents form a crucial link between the American family and policymakers in the United States […]

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Community Impact Seminar

In January of 1993 Christians received a wake-up call at best, a death knell for our society at worst. William Jefferson Clinton was sworn in as President of the United States of America. Within days of his inauguration Christians had a very good idea of what they were in for in the years ahead. The […]

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Key Verse: “To the pilgrims of the Dispersion…elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.” I Peter 1:1–2 I Peter: Suffering as outsiders without selling out To read this little letter through in […]

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Introducing…CRC Synod 1993

On Wednesday, June 15, 1993, we were seated in the Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, very thankful that the majority committee regarding women in ecclesiastical office was recommending upholding the decision of Synod 1992 which maintained the wording of Church Order Article 3. Imagine our shock when after just a few minutes, the majority recommendation […]

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Synod 1993 (Part I)

The agenda before the 1993 CRC synod was, relatively speaking, rather light; but what It dealt WIth was very weighty. The matter of women and ecclesiastical office was again before the delegates of this year’s synod. Many members of the CRC felt that this issue had reached something of a resolution in 1992 when that synod […]

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Synod 1993 (Part II)

Synod 1993 concluded its sessions late Thursday afternoon, June 17. The final gavel sounded and the delegates prepared to return to their respective homes, churches and communities. Some left with a sense of major accomplishment while others left with heavy hearts and a deep concern for the denomination. Throughout the sessions synod attempted to divert the […]

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Synod 1993 (Part III)

Synod 1993 had several matters before it which have received relatively little attention in the shadow of the prevailing topics of women in office, regional synods and children at the Lord’s Table. The delegates were nonetheless confronted with these “lesser” matters, some equally controversial, some held over from past years, and had to decide what […]

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Review of Catechism Curricula

The following is a list of Biblically and confessionally based catechetical materials in Reformed doctrine that are presently available from the sources indicated. These materials were reviewed by a special committee of the Reformed Fellowship appointed by the board for this purpose. At its June 1993 meeting, the board authorized the publication of this list […]

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Setting the Record Straight

Over the past several months, a number of items of inaccurate or misleading information about Mid-America Reformed Seminary have appeared in the Christian Reformed Church publication, TIle Banner. For example, the interim editor alleged that Mid-America offered a teaching position to one of the authors of me Synod Report 44 (‘Well-Nurtured Discontent,’ The Banner, March 1, […]

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