Some time ago I asked an aging pastor friend: “If you had one piece of advice to offer the church, what would it be?” His answer was apt “Stay anchored to the Rock and be geared to the times.” By this he meant that the church must preserve the faith “once for all delivered to the saints,” and propagate it […]
A good friend of mine drove into our church parking lot some time ago with a new personalized license plate on his car. The plate read “N2ZASM.” Not everyone immediately grasped what it meant. My friend was a little disappointed. It seemed obvious to him. But his lingering problems with the “th” sound in English had kept him […]
In the 1920’s and 30’s the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. was convulsed by the fundamentalist! modernist controversy. The public issue in the controversy was whether or not the church should require its pastors to adhere to what were then called the “fundamentals” of the faith, doctrines such as the full inspiration of the Bible. the […]
Last month, I told you about the “Jesus of the Tortilla,” the sad but true tale of just how far our society has drifted in its understanding of worship. Just as superstitious as was the homemaker who “found” the image of Jesus in the burn marks on her frying tortilla is the modern Reformed Christian who has lost sight […]
The decision of Synod 1992 which was intended to hold the Christian Reformed Church together during the “current polarized situation” has failed to reach this laudable goal. You know the decision: That synod encourage the churches to use the gifts of women members to the fullest extent possible in their local churches, including allowing women to […]
“As for the ministers of God’s Word, they have equally the same power and authority wheresoever they are, as they are all ministers of Christ, the only universal Bishop and the only Head of the Church.” Belgic Confession, Article XXXI “The suspension of a minister of the gospel shall be imposed by the council of his church with […]
Key Verse: “Hear O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save […]
Television has exerted a profound impact on our culture. It effects almost every area of life and among other things has powerfully effected public discourse, especially preaching. Preaching as a means of communication appears to many to be archaic. Because we are accustomed to visual stimulation and abbreviated verbal messages, it is increasingly difficult for […]
Key Verse: “Then [the elders] shall answer and say, ‘Our hands have not shed this blood, nor have our eyes seen it. Provide atonement, O LORD, for Your people Israel, whom You have redeemed, and do not lay innocent blood to the charge of Your people Israel.’ And atonement shall be provided on their behalf for […]
For a couple of years I heard comments about a book I was not eager to read. The book’s title put me off: it is called Profscam. The subtitle tells us more: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education. The author of this book is Charles J. Sykes. and it was published by St. Martin’s […]