“Whatsoever Things are Pure . . .”

The story has been told and retold. Whether fact or fiction, I can vouch for neither. It goes something like this. A man of wealth needed a chauffeur, and he interviewed applicants for the position. The one question he asked them: “If we were on a mountain road alongside a deep precipice, how close would […]

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Spiritual Nutrition

There has never been a time in world history when people in developed countries have been so carefully and well fed physically. Nutrition is a subject which fills pages of every homemaker’s magazine and captures the spotlight of many television ads. Careful studies and experiments have been conducted by experts in many professions and a […]

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What’s Coming Up at the CRC Synod?

Each year the OUTLOOK prints an overview of the materials which require the attention of the Christian Reformed Churches’ June synod. This year the printed Agenda is somewhat shorter than usual although it still includes 435 pages –more than most consistory members who obtain copies will ever read. A summary may be useful to them […]

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During the anti-abortion struggle in England in 1966–1967 in which I took part against Steel‘s bill in the British House of Commons to legalize abortion I pointed out that if his bill was passed it would not be long before the British Parliament also legalized euthanasia. Such has in fact now happened. Legalized murder of […]

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“Christ is all and in all” (3)

In 1960 Prof. C. Veenhof of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Kampen, the Netherlands, wrote a book entitled Om kerk te blijven. It dealt largely with the ecclesiastical difficulties in the “Gereformeerde Kerken” in that country which led to division, disciplinary measures, and the 1disruption of that denomination. To that book he added an “epilogue” […]

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The Doctrine of Christ: The Steps of Humiliation

“I believe . . . in Jesus Christ . . . who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell. . . .” With these words Christians confess that every aspect of Christ’s humiliation is vastly important and precious to […]

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An Obedient Church (IV)

In this series of short articles we have been focusing attention on some basic issues which trouble our churches, by presenting side-by–side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view, and (2) the emerging, changing broadening view held by a growing number of people in our churches. This article directs attention to the church, considering what it […]

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Obedient to the Call of Death

Go up . . . to Mount Nebo in Moab . . . There on the mountain . . . you will die (Deut. 32:49, 50). So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And Moses was a hundred and twenty years […]

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Church Growth and the CRC (1)

Definition Church growth is the gracious action of God and the response of man in the formation of a Church community. The Church is the called community of God’s people whom God predestined from eternity to belong to him. The members of the Church are saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and […]

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Reprobation and Boer’s Gravamen Dr. Harry Boer submitted to the 1977 CRC Synod a gravamen in which at the outset he states: “I submit herewith for synodical examination and adjudication a gravamen against the Reformed doctrine of reprobation as taught notably in the Canons of Dort, Chapter I, Article 6 and Chapter I, Article 15 […]

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