A “Congreation of Believers” (4)

(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhofs Om Verk te Blijven) The Son of God accomplishes the threefold work of gathering, defending and preserving the church—so Reformed churches testify in their catechism—by His Spirit and Word. By the Holy Spirit Christ executes all that He must accomplish from Pentecost to the last day for the salvation of […]

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“Christ is all and in all” (3)

In 1960 Prof. C. Veenhof of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Kampen, the Netherlands, wrote a book entitled Om kerk te blijven. It dealt largely with the ecclesiastical difficulties in the “Gereformeerde Kerken” in that country which led to division, disciplinary measures, and the 1disruption of that denomination. To that book he added an “epilogue” […]

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No Faith IN The Church (2)

(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhof’s Om Kerk te blijven) The confession of the church testifies that we believe the church. It declares specifically that we do not believe in the church. We believe in God the Father and in Jesus Christ, His only–begotten Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Saying the same thing in slightly […]

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I “Believe” One Church (1)

In 1960 Prof. C. Veenhof of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Kampen, the Netherlands, wrote a book entitled Om kerk te blijven. It dealt largely with the ecclesiastical difficulties in the “Gereformeerde Kerken” in that country which led to division, disciplinary measures, and the disruption of that denomination. To that book he added an “epilogue” […]

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