The following constitutes chapter 8 (“Conclusion”) of the book THE MODERN TONGUES MOVEMENT by Robert G. Gromacki, a baptist minister and professor of Bible and Greek at Cedarville College. This material is reprinted by the permission of Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. The book is available ($4.50) from Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Box 185, […]
Some years ago, when Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, former president of Union Theological Seminary (New York) turned the spotlight on twentieth-century Pentecostalism by calling it a “third force in Christendom,” it probably occurred to few if any of us in the Christian Reformed Church that we too had better sit up and take notice. […]
The editor of THE OUTLOOK called Agenda Report 36 on The Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority “the most crucial issue facing Synod 1971” (cf . THE OUTLOOK, June 1971). Many delegates to Synod shared that view. What can be more important than the Bible. God’s inspired. infallible, authoritative Word? The Study Committee in presenting […]
Extremism or sanity, personal freedom or authority. protest or obedience, revolution or development. Which of these alternatives arc you most concerned about? Possibly none! Why not? Because you don’t wish to be way out, odd? Or because you really don’t care what happens? My essay won’t take any of these alternatives, or part of one, […]
REFORMED THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE OF NIGERIA NEWSLETTER Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings to all of you from the Board, Staff and Students of the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria. It is my sincere wish that this letter finds all of you in good health. This is the first newsletter of the College to you. […]
THE PROBLEM ISN’T SCIENCE BUT UNBELIEF Professor J. R. Vande Fliert, who teaches Geology at the Free University in Amsterdam, had been speaking to a group of Christian Reformed ministers in support of the “new” Reformed theology in The Netherlands. Citing the old story of Galileo’s controversy with the Roman Catholic Church he urged that […]
The following interesting and informative question-and-answer is written by Merle Meeter, teacher of English at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. 1. Q. What is romanticism? A. Romanticism is a religiously held view of life that tends to absolutize individual, subjective, emotional responses to one’s natural and human environment; moreover, it tends to remove all […]
Our Christian Reformed Synod had to deal with an overture from Iron Springs, Alberta, asking to stop quota support for the Calvin Graduate Studies Program, and also with several overtures from both north and south of the border, asking for society control of Calvin College. As could be expected, these overtures did not gel to […]
Marvin Van Donselaar, pastor of the Kanawha (Iowa) Christian Reformed Church and a delegate from Classis Northcentral Iowa to the 1971 Christian Reformed Synod, herewith gives his reactions to decisions on two matters: “Project Equality” and “Guidelines and Principles for Youth Evangelism.” “Project Equality” – Synod of 1971 was confronted by the Home Missions Board […]
The godless believe that all of the cosmos, including the solar system, the earth, and all living forms happened by chance. So man also is a product of chance evolvement from amoeba to segmented flatworm, to tree shrew, to ape, to homo sapiens, who by reason of his scientific know-how will evolve to a higher […]