When the Reformed Journal zeroes in on some problem it really blows up a storm—and of this its concentration on the matter of the church at worship is a concrete case! And the language employed is hardly an example of restraint and moderation: “It is no secret that many of the reflective young people who […]

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Letters to the Editor

Editor, TORCH AND TRUMPET Dear Sir: The article by Richard Forbes, “Work, Workers, and Missions,” is so false a report on the labor scene here in California that one can only wonder at the intelligence or motives of Mr. Forbes. The article is too long for a detailed reply, but a couple of central points […]

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Toward a Christian Political Ethos

Editors Note The Christian Action Foundation, in which the author has assumed an active part, made a beginning with implementing the ideals of a Christian political manifestation. (Since Feb. 1966.) Study outlines have been drafted on the biblical principles governing public life and government. They arc designed for group study as well as individual reflection. […]

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Too often the effectiveness of Christian teaching is judged by the Christian personality of the teacher. Is he “spiritual”? Is he “committed”? Does he radiate Christ? Is he a joyful Christian? Is he born again? Saved? If the answers are affirmative, then it is judged that the teaching must be good and Christian. Nothing could […]

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A Double Scheme, or Table

CONTAINING, IN THE FIRST COLUMN, The SINS most incident to the Members of particular Churches, plainly forbidden in the Word, and for which God sets Marks of his Displeasure on them. I . Sin. The first, and more general sin of church members, is, a defect in their care and circumspection, to prevent all just […]

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1969 Agenda Synod

ISN’T IT TIME TO ALLOW LODGE MEMBERS INTO THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH? The rumor has been around for a while that some people in the Christian Reformed Church were quite dissatisfied with the current position as to the essential incompatibility of membership in oath-hound, secret societies and membership in the church. In short, that position […]

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The Pastor and the Praise Book

The pastor in a Christian Reformed congregation has many responsibilities. Chief among his duties is the preparation for public worship twice each Lord’s Day. We thank God that pastor and people continue to regard the preaching of God’s inspired, infallible Word as the heart of the worship service. Because the ministry of the Word is […]

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Professor Kuitert and the Dutch Religious Press

This is the second and last of a series of articles which seek to inform the reader about recent Dutch reactions to the writings of Dr. H. M. Kuitert, Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Professor Kuitert delivered a number of lectures before the Christian Reformed Ministers’ Institute in Grand Rapids […]

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Torch and Trumpet Honored

The TORCH AND TRUMPET has been a member of the Evangelical Press Association for only one year. Yet at the annual convention of the EPA, held on May 12–14 in Grand Rapids, the TORCH AND TRUMPET received two significant awards. The first award was received in the category called “Higher Goals in Christian Journalism.” TORCH […]

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THE GENERATION LAP There seems to be a common misconception abroad concerning the disturbances on our university campuses. It is the notion that the disturbances are generated by young people who have been “turned off” by the values of their parents. Recent studies as to the origins of the activists show that this is not […]

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