The Dekker Case . . . The most talked-about item on the agenda for the 1966 synod of the Christian Reformed Church (held in Pella, Iowa, June 8–16) was the “Dekker Case.” Some two and one-half years ago Prof. Harold Dekker, teacher of missions at Calvin Theological Seminary, had asserted that an obvious deficiency in […]
The 1966 synod of the Christian Reformed Church has come and gone. Elsewhere in this magazine is a brief, factual report of some of the decisions. A few comments, however, may also be in order at this point. What kind of a synod was this? Such a question, commonly and often seriously asked, may be […]
The concern of the 1966 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church with the views of Professor Harold Dekker again sharply focused attention on the atonement of Christ. Attention centered around the problem of differentiating between the love of God and the atonement as it relates to the redeemed and the non-redeemed. In its report the Synodical […]
THE GREAT INFLUENCE OF SONG AND MUSIC Both music and song play a vital role in our lives. We are influenced by what we hear and we influence others by what we sing or play in music. Scripture is concerned to spell this out for us, how we must use song and music. Of music it […]
STANDARD BEARER, June 1 1326 W. Butler, S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan, $5.00 per year The Standard Bearer could never be the same without the contributions of its late founder and editor, Rev. Herman Hoeksema, but his successors arc doing their utmost and their efforts are worth noting! Prof. Homer C. Hoeksema (son of “H.H.” and professor of […]
In his article “The Reformed Faith and the Dangers of Subjectivism,” published in the April 4 issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET, the Reverend Peter De Jong has given a lucid and significant history of Subjectivism within and outside of Reformed circles. We are aware of the strongly one-sided aspect of this problem as found in Karl […]
CREATIVE MINDS IN CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY, edited by Philip Edgcumbe Hughes. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publ. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. $6.95. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, the well-known editor of the (Anglican) Churchman, has greatly obligated us by the edition of this guidebook which surprises us again and again by the wealth of its material, its concise synopses of […]