Once More: The Threshold

A GREETING A stretch of time never before traversed opens up before us. With such a prospect of new possibilities of service to our King, the proper attitude is not one of lightheaded celebration. Rather, with our eyes upon Him who is our strength and our glory we would greet one another with a handclasp […]

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Pointed Paragraphs

DISCREPANCY IN THE ACCOUNT OF JESUS’ TEMPTATIONS? Several weeks ago the assertion was made in an article in The Banner (department “Voices”) and a similar assertion was made in a more recent article in another periodical, that there is a “discrepancy” between Matthew’s account of Jesus’ three temptations in the wilderness and that of Luke. In Matthew’s […]

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Post-Election Musings

Now that our national election has become a matter of history, it may not be amiss to pause a few moments for sober reflection. To be sure, future historians will be able better to evaluate its meaning than we, the participants in the contemporary scene; but we can’t avoid asking certain questions and making a […]

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Pray for Jerusalem’s Peace

No, we’re not thinking now of Grand Rapids, often called the “Jerusalem” of the Christian Reformed churches, and that by reason of geography, history, and circumstances. We have in mind just now Jerusalem, the capital city of Judah and of Palestine, especially representative of God’s ancient covenant people, and now figuratively of God’s Zion amidst the […]

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Spiritual Bi-Focals

Both near and far, Lord help me see Thy kingdom as proposed by thee. Nor let my eyes, immersed in tears, Or sorrow or in sodden fears, Be narrowed to a few folk here, Forgetting heathen not so near. Nor let me get far-sighted, Lord, Forgetting that thy blessed Word Is for the heathen right […]

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It is no secret that the financial burden of many of the parents who send their children to a Christian school is a heavy one and that this burden becomes heavier as the number of children who attend such schools increases. This apparent contradiction is explained by the fact that our burgeoning population makes existing […]

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A Fool and His Money

Thousands of people had come together and heard Christ’s sermon against sinful fear and earthly anxiety—so many in fact that many feet were trampled. One of those present listened with growing impatience, because whatever the Preacher said did not allay his anxieties in the least. He was preoccupied with the thought how to talk his […]

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It has been declared that Dutch Calvinism has not had so impressive an influence on religious life in America as it should have had. That criticism may be correct and just. Two factors, among others, would undoubtedly playa part in the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Dutch Calvinism in the United States. One factor would be zeal […]

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