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It’s frost-flakes, frost-flakes everywhere, And snowflakes heaped on, an ermine mound; It’s a chilling breeze as forth we fare And eerie silence all around; While even the sun gleams wanly through A cloud-veil shrouding the heaven’s blue. It’s winter, winter over the land; A leafless orchard, the meadow still, No swallow soars and no blackbirds […]

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Three Songs

THREE SONGS In another week or two the air will be filled with music. The Christmas carols will be dinned into our ears incessantly. You will hear them in your home via radio and television, in department stores as you do your shopping. on street-corners, everywhere. We greet them with mixed emotions. On the one hand, […]

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Pointed Paragraphs

GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY, THEN TAKE-OVER It does not look as if our federal government would ever agree to or even consider subsidizing non-public schools or that our States would ever refund tax money to these schools. Any proposal in that direction would evoke a veritable hurricane of protests. Any movement of this sort, regardless of the source, […]

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Are There Discrepancies in the Gospels?

Do the Gospel writers contradict one another? The first three Gospels are called the Synoptics. These writings, according to the thought contained in that Greek word, give us the same view of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is often a surprising agreement in the description of events. Alongside of this agreement, however, […]

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The Modern Concept of the Writer and His Art

One of the instructive sources of the ethos of this age is the college writer, who. reacting in terms of the studied rootlessness of Enlightenment culture, absorbs readily the myths of his time with naive fervor. An interesting example of this appears in a student editorial on “The Writer and His Art” in the Calvin College Chimes […]

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“Evolution and Christian Though Today”

The volume reviewed in this article is a symposium on Evolution, edited by Russell L. Mixter, and published by tile Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1959. Because of the importance of the subject we are placing this material as a special article instead of in our department of Book Reviews. Editorial Committee This volume has been prepared under the […]

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Out on the gulf of night A star explodes in glory. From Heaven its mercy–laden rays Are sent to tell the wondrous tale. Straight to the “House of Bread” it points Where, in the hallowed shadow of a cross, A smiling infant lies, The Bread of Heaven to earth descended. The star? Yes, the world sees […]

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Teener’s Corner: How Not to Win a Soul

QUESTION: My husband and I still are teen-agers. We married young and have one baby. Recently we enrolled in a doctrine class in our church for the purpose of completing our preparation for full membership. It took a lot of urging to get my husband to go with me. He has a weak religious background. The […]

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Come to Bethel, and transgress; to Gilgal, and multiply transgression; and bring your sacrifice every morning, and your tithes every three days; and offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving of that which is leavened, and proclaim freewill-offerings and publish them: for this pleaseth you, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord Jehovah. Amos 4:4–5 Israel […]

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