Blind Spots in South Africa

The Influential Dutch Reformed churches of South Africa have been much in the news during past years because of their association with the Nationalist party policy of “apartheid.” The Christian Century, usually very vocal when social ethics arc involved, includes an interesting article in its February 10, 1960, issue. The article deserves reading especially because it is […]

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The First Passover

“And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle” (Exodus 12:29). Myclopse, chief magician of Pharaoh, retired early that […]

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Can We Believe in the Resurrection?

It is the simple, matter-of-fact account of the New Testament that Jesus Christ was crucified and buried, and that on the third day he rose again from the dead. The men and women who narrated the events of the resurrection and appearances of the risen Christ were without exception unbelievers in those stupendous events before they […]

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Maintaining Our Balance

During the past few years we have witnessed a remarkable upsurge of interest in mission work in the Christian Reformed Church, not only in foreign lands but also in the home land, especially among the unchurched. Let us rejoice because of this. May the day not be far distant when everyone of our churches. large or […]

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Juvenile Delinquency and the Book of Proverbs

In much of what is being written today about juvenile delinquency, in both the religious and the secular press, there is recognition of the breakdown of the home as the most basic cause of the alarming increase of lawlessness, vandalism, and crime among teenagers. However, there is no general agreement on what constitutes the breakdown […]

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God’s Infallible Word

Below is the text of the address which Dr. Edward J. Young of Westminster Theological Seminary at Philadelphia gave at Oak Glen, Illinois, under the auspices of the Layman’s League of Illiana. This address mentions no names of opponents. However, it does reply to criticism that recently, in a public lecture, was directed at Dr. […]

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Faith: The Prerequisite for Prayer

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever ye will, and it shall be alone unto you.” John 5:17 We are living in an age which may be characterized as “the age of pragmatism.” Perhaps this term is strange to you, even though you yourself may be a pragmatist. Very simply, a […]

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Infallible “Only in Matters of Faith and Practice???”

With the matter of inspiration being ardently discussed in the Christian Reformed Church at this time, a rather new note has been struck by the Rev. Leonard Verduin in his article, “The Concept of Infallibility in the Christian Tradition,” which appeared in the November, 1959, issue of The Reformed Journal. Previously. the doubts cast upon plenary […]

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QUESTION: How does the crowning of a King and Queen in our Christian secondary schools and college square with the practical application of Romans 12:2? This becomes more pointed, as often those chosen stand out due to “scintillating” personalities, whereas others are passed by—which appears to be in conflict with the practice of Jesus who raised […]

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Book Reviews

The Imputation of Adam’s Sin by John Murray William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 1959. 95 pp. $2.00 This book is an evidence of the fact that theology, far from being a profitless study of abstract theoretics, has intensely practical application to modern man’s problems and ills. Why is man’s sinfulness so deep-seated and […]

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