- The Hypnotic Eye
Clinton, Timothy
- The Impact of Television on Our Children
Cox, Gary
- Catching Glimpse of Christian Genocide
Godfrey, W. Robert
- A Reformed Dream
Hart, Daryl
- J. Gresham Machen and the Controversy over Presbyterian Foreign Missions
Hegeman, Neal
- The Holy Spirit and True Religion (III)
Machen, J. Gresham
- The Changing Scene and the Unchanging Word
Sittema, John R.
- Teach With Clarity
Thomas, Cal
- Goodbye, Joe Camel; Hello, More TV Ratings
Van Drunen, David
- Eastern Orthodoxy: How Should We Speak About Salvation?
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie
- Mr. T. Vee Goes to Court
Venema, Cornelis
- What About Revelation 20?: The Relation of the Visions of Revelation 19 & 20
CRC, Isaiah 40:8, OPC
- The Changing Scene and the Unchanging Word
Christian living, Television
- Mr. T. Vee Goes to Court
- The Impact of Television on Our Children
Christian living, revival
- The Holy Spirit and True Religion (III)
Eastern Orthodox Church
- Eastern Orthodoxy: How Should We Speak About Salvation?
Jesus Christ-return, last things
- What About Revelation 20?: The Relation of the Visions of Revelation 19 & 20
- Goodbye, Joe Camel; Hello, More TV Ratings
- The Hypnotic Eye
ecumenism, Reformed Church of America, Reformed Ecumenism
- A Reformed Dream
education, Nehemiah 8:5 & 7, teaching
- Teach With Clarity
evangelism, Presbyterian Church
- J. Gresham Machen and the Controversy over Presbyterian Foreign Missions
- Catching Glimpse of Christian Genocide