- Book Briefs April 2000
- Thank you–Farewell–Welcome
Cox, Gary
- It Ain’t Over Yet
De Jong, P. Y.
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #24 The Beast Out of the Sea
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #25 The Beast Out of the Earth
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #26 The Lamb on Mount Zion and the 144,000
Godfrey, W. Robert
- Jesus at the Supper
Greenway, Roger S.
- Always Keep a Fishing Rod Handy
Madany, Bassam
- The Changing Faces of Missions
- Report of NAPARC 1999
Rowe, David
- Christian & Homosexual? Pro-Gay Theology and Unbelief
Thomas, Cal
- Abortion Lies
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie
- Imagebearers (II)
Venema, Cornelis
- What We Believe: The Doctrine of Justification (I) – The Importance to the Gospel Today
Vos, Brian
- Death Swallowed Up By Life
van Popta, George
- Agents of Authority
2 Corinthians 4:16–5:8, death, resurrection of the body
- Death Swallowed Up By Life
Bryan Chapell, Cornelius Van Til, Eric Bristley, Iain M. Duguid
- Book Briefs April 2000
Christian home and family, Christian view of State, discipline
- Agents of Authority
Jesus Christ-return, Y2K
- It Ain’t Over Yet
Lord’s Supper
- Jesus at the Supper
- Report of NAPARC 1999
Reformed Fellowship
- Thank you–Farewell–Welcome
Revelation, Revelation 13:11–18
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #25 The Beast Out of the Earth
Revelation, Revelation 13:1–10
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #24 The Beast Out of the Sea
Revelation, Revelation 14:1–5
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Studies in the Book of Revelation – #26 The Lamb on Mount Zion and the 144,000
- Abortion Lies
communication, radio
- The Changing Faces of Missions
evangelism, missions
- Always Keep a Fishing Rod Handy
- Christian & Homosexual? Pro-Gay Theology and Unbelief
image of God
- Imagebearers (II)
justification, Romans
- What We Believe: The Doctrine of Justification (I) – The Importance to the Gospel Today