Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham
By Iain M. Duguid P&R Publishing Company, PO Box 817, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, ©1999, 167pp, soft cover A book which can capture the endorsements of Bryan Chapell, Willem VanGemeren and Sinclair Ferguson will do well in Presbyterian and Reformed circles. This is the first in a promising new series from P&R dedicated to providing reliable exposition of the Old Testament in a format which serves the teaching structure of contemporary Presbyterian and Reformed churches while maintaining a focus on Christ throughout the Bible. The object, form, and length will make this a popular Christian Education series.
The Wonder of It All: Rediscovering the Treasures of Your Faith
By Bryan Chapell Crossway Books, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton,1L 60187, ©1999, 300pp, soft cover This book is designed to share the wonders of our faith, not merely read a discussion. It is planned so that it makes an excellent book for a 12 or 13 week group study. Chapell creates a context in which to confront the fall-out of biblical illiteracy which is disarming the contemporary Reformed congregations in America. The author comes from a rich pastoral and teaching experience. He is currently President of Covenant Seminary.
Van Til CD
Eric Bristley’s popular collected Writings of Cornelius Van Til, which normally sells for over US $200, is on sale from Westminster Seminary for US $54.45 (including shipping and handling). Some 41 books and pamphlets, 22 manuscripts, and 111 articles in English, form the core. The CD, which also includes a full Bible and Westminster Confession, is searchable by word or phrase. Editor Eric Sigward holds degrees from Harvard, Cambridge and Westminster.
Contact: Westminster Bookstore, 2960 West Church Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Phone: (888) 987-2665, (215) 886-0999 Fax: (215) 886-5352,