Book of Jude, Jude 1–4
- The Value of an Unwritten Letter (Part I)
Christian Education
- Reformed Teachers are Different...Right?
Christian living, spiritual warfare
- A Letter to Friend About Spiritual Warfare
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, O. Palmer Robertson, Richard L. Pratt Jr., Starr Meade
- Book Briefs December 2000
Jesus Christ – birth
- Is Christmas Necessary?
Jesus Christ, worship
- Jesus Tenting Among Us
Rev. Edward Heerema, World Reformed Fellowship
- Church & World December 2000
church music, J.S. Bach, music, Prison Fellowship Ministries
- Bach’s “Fifth Gospel”: The Enduring Power of Artistic Excellence
church music, music, worship
- What About “Special Music”?
- Standing in the Schoolhouse Door Again
ethics, World magazine
- Doing Without Marriage
- Reclaiming the Meaning of Christmas
- Your Final Act of Stewardship: What Ever Happened to the Christian Will?