Belgic Confession, bible, humanity, inspiration
- We Confess – An Exposition & Application of the Belgic Confession Article 3: Of Holy Scripture
Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, revival
- The Odyssey of Jonathan Edwards [1703–1758]
Heidelberg Catechism, John 1:14
- Jesus Christ is Man
John Tetzel, Martin Luther, Romans 1:16–17a
- Life Through Faith
Martin Luther
- 1527: The Ten Year Anniversary of the Reformation
Reformed Fellowship
- Sound Bites The Outlook - 1977
church, numerics
- Looking Above – A Series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ “To the Seven Churches”
justification, Paul the Apostle, Romans, Second Temple Judaism, works
- Evaluating the New Perspective on Paul (4) What Does Paul Mean by ‘Works of the Law’?