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IV. Resolution So there are the two positions -the Pentecostal and the classical Protestant. Both agree that the Holy Spirit is the One who gives believers power and transforms them into the image of Christ. Both agree that today many believers do quench the Spirit. The question is, “How may His power be appropriated?” Pentecostals […]

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According to the reformational understanding of justification, the final judgment, though it involves God’s public acquittal of the believer, is not to be understood as a kind of final or future justification. Because justification is a definitive pronouncement of the believer’s acceptance with God on the basis of the saving work of Christ, the final […]

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The teaching of Jesus being a sacrifice by being crucified and pouring out His blood to take away our sins is not very “relevant” to the world today. After all, who is a sinner? Furthermore, we need to get beyond capital punishment as a way to punish and view criminals as victims who need rehabilitation. […]

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As we mentioned in our study of the Belgic Confession’s articles on justification, our Lord Jesus Christ won for us two great benefits (what the Reformer’s called the duplex beneficium), justification (arts. 2223) and sanctification (arts. 24-25). Justification deals with the guilt of sin and sanctification with the pollution of sin. This, from the outset, […]

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As we saw last month, the Christian is perpetually brought back to justification and the work of Christ alone, even when discussing sanctification. Here is our confidence and help in time of need. The Use of the Law in Sanctification The question remains, how do we know what to do that is pleasing to God […]

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God’s Salvation from Eternity to Eternity

The ultimate basis for the salvation of man lies in the recesses of eternity, emanating from the counsel of God’s will. Before the foundations of the world were framed, and before any creature was brought into being, it was by the eternal counsel of God, whereby He has determined the eternal destiny of all mankind. […]

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God’s Salvation from Eternity to Eternity Part Two

Justification Justification is another part of God’s orderly plan of salvation for man. It follows the preceding parts, namely, the calling, regeneration, conversion, and faith. The apostolic church of the New Testament was enthusiastically following the instructions of their Master. As a consequence, the gospel spread throughout Asia Minor and beyond, and, as a result, […]

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Amandus Polanus on Sanctification/Regeneration

Modern Reformed Christians may be surprised to hear in Belgic Confession, Article 24 that faith regenerates. Similarly, John Calvin’s third chapter of Book III of the Institutes of the Christian Religion is also called “Regeneration by Faith.” Doesn’t regeneration precede faith? The statement in the Belgic Confession might even sound Arminian to some. That is […]

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In a few WORDS… How to Become Like Jesus

In a few WORDS… How to Become Like Jesus Every child of God wants to be more like Jesus. And, by God’s grace, this actually happens. The name the Bible gives to this process of becoming more Christ-like is “sanctification.” To be sanctified is to become more dedicated to God and separated from sin (Rom. […]

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