Let’s Keep Our Sunday Evening Worship

One of the small pleasures of my early childhood was playing with other children outside the church after Sunday evening worship. For a half hour or more, the adults seemed to forget their parental responsibilities and we ran wild and free in the soft summer air of a Kansas evening. While our parents pursued more mature […]

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Godly Compassion

More Than One Way? is the title of a recent book on a very important question: Is faith in Jesus the only way to salvation or is it possible for non-Christians also to be saved?1 In this book several authors present four quite distinct answers to this question. John Hick defends a very liberal point […]

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Reflections on the “Uniqueness of Jesus Christ”

Throughout my missionary career, I had two main goals: 1) Present ing the Gospel to the followers of Islam from a specifically Reformed perspective, and 2) Challenging certain trends which were in conflict with the historic mission of the universal church. In reflecting on the work of missions from William Carey’s days to the early […]

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Is it the Lord’s Day?

A question can be read with the emphasis on anyone of the words in a given sentence. The title question can be read: Is it the Lord’s Day?; Is It the Lord’s Day?; Is it the Lord’s Day?; or Is it the Lord’s Day? In this article the question will be read with the emphasis […]

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The Holy Day of Worship

Question: How is the Sabbath to be sanctified? Answer: The Sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy resting all that day, even from such worldly employments and recreations as are lawful on other days; and spending the whole time in the public and private exercises of God’s worship, except so much as is to […]

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In Spirit & Truth: Whither the Sabbath?

Now that “Super Bowl Sunday” (a.k.a. “the Lord’s Day”) is past, and all the understandable excitement about the Falcons is behind us, perhaps we might now raise the awkward question, “Whither the Christian Sabbath?” Time was when American Protestants all agreed: Sunday’s 24 hours were to be “remembered” by services of worship, and “hallowed” by […]

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Revived by Sabbath Revival

The Christian Sabbath as known historically by Reformed Christians is in serious trouble. It is attacked by the secular culture of North America and largely ignored by many evangelical Christians. Even among Reformed Christians a profound uncertainty as to the theology and practice of the Sabbath seems widespread. The danger is very real that the […]

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The Sabbath and Worship

In the last issue of The Outlook we looked at the need for a revival of the Sabbath among Reformed people in our time. Since writing that article I observed a billboard the message of which reinforced my conviction that a Sabbath revival is urgently needed. The billboard’s message was: “Let’s meet at my house this Sunday […]

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Sundays and the Professional Athletes

Today there is an unusual emphasis on sports. We see an undue idolatry when it comes to sports. Among the great idols are the stars and superstars of sports. That idolatry is not at all limited to the unbelieving world. Christians are, to quite an extent, captivated by this same idolatry. Perhaps one could say […]

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The Sabbath Institution

An address given at Golspie, Sutherland, on August 12, 1953, and subsequently published — expanded at certain points and abbreviated at others — by the Lord’s Day Observance Society, London. The questions relating to the weekly day of rest and worship are of perennial interest and concern. The circumstances in connection with which these questions […]

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