This year‘s annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship was held at the Twelfth Ave. Church in Jenison and the banquet at the Christian school. At the brief business meeting it was reported that A. Besteman, S. De Young, H. Vanden Heuvel, and R. Van Putten were elected to the board. Leestma on Reprobation Featured in […]
Friday, October 25 is past and another Annual Meeting of the Reformed Fellowship has become history. Members and friends who were privileged in God’s Providence to be in attendance have returned to their homes keenly aware that the day was beneficial for those who love the Reformed Faith. Timely thoughts on what should be the […]
The Board of Reformed Fellowship would like to introduce you to our new board members. The Rev. Casey Freswick was elected to be the president and chairman of the board. The Rev. Austin Reed was elected to be the board’s Vice-All, and Mr. Christopher Engelsma was elected to hold a board seat. The board wishes […]
Why another magazine? That question is being asked by many. We wish to give a definite answer to that perfectly natural question. A second question is being asked. Why are two magazines coming out at the same time? People are wondering if the birth of these two periodicals at the same time is evidence of […]
In this issue of The Outlook we want to say thank you to our typesetter/graphic layout artist, Mary Van Der Aa, and our proofreader, Norene Aukeman. Mary came to us as a new bride, full of enthusiasm and creative ideas for our journal. She has worked very hard to produce an attractive format through which […]
In April of this year, 2001, The Outlook will commemorate its 50th year of publication. It began as the Torch and Trumpet and retained that name for many years. Its circulation was most active in the Christian Reformed Church. In this issue as well as March and April, we will feature a number of reprints […]
It was the spring of 1989 when we were asked by the board of Reformed Fellowship to become the new editors of The Outlook, replacing Rev. Peter De Jong. It was a sobering invitation because we knew that issues were heating up in the Christian Reformed Church. Worship battles were raging. The fight was on […]
To our members, subscribers, and readers… It is often more comfortable to continue to do things we are accustomed to doing in the same way and in the same context. But it is also true that when change is introduced it can be welcomed and enjoyed. Changes are about to be introduced to The Outlook. […]
Fifty years—more than half of a man’s life-span. For any religious periodical this should fill our hearts with thanksgiving and praise. How well I remember our first meeting. The second World War had passed with profound changes everywhere. Also for the Christian Reformed Church it was a time […]
Fifty years ago The Outlook—originally called Torch and Trumpet—published its first issue. The lead editorial, simply entitled “Why?”, set forth the aims of the publishers and editors. The magazine would present a Reformed voice on doctrine and life, written primarily for the laity, but with some articles for ministers. It would be primarily positive in […]