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What to do About Liberalism

Just as the Clinton crowd plastered “It’s the economy, stupid!” in their “war room” during the 1992 campaign, Republicans should hang this statement by incoming House Speaker Newt Gingrich in every one of their offices: “It is impossible to take the Great Society structure of bureaucracy, the redistribution model of how wealth is acquired and […]

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The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (IX)

John Calvin, of the 16th century Reformation, was later known as the theologian of the Holy Spirit. The largest section of his Institution of the Christian Religion deals with the workings of the Holy Spirit. Basically, he saw the role of the Holy Spirit as one of magnifying the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who […]

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Pentecost and The Spirit-Filled Church

As we draw near to the dawning of the 21st century we hear much talk about the “Shape of the church in the 21st century.” Seminars are offered which are intended to teach us how to be prepared for ministry in the 21st century. You can go into any Christian bookstore and find an increasing […]

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Pentacost: The Reversal of Babel

Genesis 11:1–9 & Acts 2:1–13 The story of the tower of Babel is one with which most of us are familiar. In Genesis 11, we are told of how the whole world had only one language. When the men of the earth decided to build a great tower in order to make a name for […]

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Jeremiah Could Not Keep Still

Jeremiah could not keep still! As you read through the Book of Jeremiah, you discover that the prophet suffered many things because of his testimony and his preaching. He was threatened so many times that he came to a point in his life where he decided to quit his career as a prophet. He would […]

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Preaching the Saints

Scripture establishes that Christians should follow the example of the biblical saints. The author of Hebrews, for example, explained Christian faith by pointing to the example of Abraham among others. Urging believers to imitate such faith, the author explained that “the world was not worthy” of them. James also appealed to the example of Abraham: […]

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The opening of the first six seals sets before us scenes that would shake our souls. The first seal is opened and the gospel goes forth conquering and to conquer; it goes forth and it kills, even as it makes alive. The second seal is opened and much blood is shed upon the earth. The […]

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Filled with the Spirit on Pentecost Acts 2:1–13

How can we individually and even corporately as a church have “Spirit-filled” worship and evangelistic zeal? No doubt you have had this question posed to you by a charismatic or Pentecostal friend. As a former Pentecostal-turned-Reformed, let me give you a clear answer from the Holy Scriptures. There are two ways to be “Spirit-filled.” The […]

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Did You Receive the Holy Spirit?

More and more people are waking up to the truth that a change needs to take place within our society—not necessarily a political change, as offered in the United States four years ago, but a spiritual change. Hearts need to be changed. There can be no genuine change in the heart without the Holy Spirit. […]

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God’s Drunken Men

Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.” —Acts 2:13 If we would search throughout all of history we would not find anywhere people more sane, more responsible than these disciples. And yet, on the day of Pentecost, these people broke out of their somber state into one of delirious […]

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