Former Christian Reformed Congregations Federate to Form “Fellowship of Uniting Reformed Churches” LYNWOOD, IL (November 27, 1995) URNS — After eleven meetings over a period of ten years, most of the 55 independent congregations in the Alliance of Reformed Churches have decided they want to “federate” into a new denomination. What the federation will look […]
We are printing the following bulletin from a “wedding” ceremony of two homosexuals. The names of the participants have been replaced with generic language to preserve anonymity. This ceremony demonstrates that the issue of “faithful, monogamous relationships” (gay marriages) is not merely academic. Such “marriages” are actually being performed by clergy with the blessing of […]
The following is a Biblical review of Scripture related to the moral issues of homosexuality: Prepared by Samuel A. Cravotta President, West Virginia A.F.A. Foundation, 3008 Glen Drive, Martinsburg, WV 254201. DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS • Concupiscence: Unlawful, illicit or abnormal sexual desire; strong or abnormal sexual appetite. • Sodomite: Male Cult (Homosexual) Prostitute; a person who […]
MAINE VOTERS WON’T ENDORSE MEASURE TO LIMIT GAY RIGHTS AUGUSTA, Maine (EP) — By a narrow margin, Maine voters refused to adopt a statewide measure that would ban special civil rights protection or other legal recognition for homosexuals. The morning after the referendum, a count of 91 percent of the votes had the measure failing […]
As I pick up my pen to write this article, I am looking through my window at white piles of snow punctuated with black-brown tree trunks and seemingly lifeless branches silhouetted against a somber sky which threatens to extend what already seems like an endless winter. But my calendar tells me that within a few […]
One of the most powerful and arresting passages in Scripture about the holiness of God is found in Isaiah 6. There the prophet is given a vision of the greatness of God and His glory. The divine king is enthroned in His temple. His royal robes fill the temple. His royal courtiers—the angels—surround the throne […]
No Former Synod Officers Delegated to Synod 1996 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (May 6, 1996) URNS – When Synod 1996 of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) convenes on June 10 to deal with the complete issues associated with women in office, homosexuality and other related matters, it won’t have an experienced chairman or set of officers. […]
Ten years ago, the Supreme Court upheld a Georgia law that criminalized homosexual practice. Now, in a 6–3 ruling, the Court says a majority of Colorado citizens cannot pass laws that “discriminate” against people engaged in practices it acknowledges can be labeled “criminal.” How can this be since certain rights—such as voting obtaining credit or […]
“Why do you homeschool?” Of all the questions I knew I would have to field when I embarked on this radical lifestyle, this was the one I dreaded most. I did not have strong negative feelings about leaving the school system as some families do. As far as I could tell the school system was […]
INTRODUCTION Few choices will have as lasting an impact on one’s child than the school which he/she attends. For thirteen years, school dominates the child’s life: shaping his/her thinking, molding his/her character, and to a certain extent, determining his/her destiny. Today’s parents have three options: public schools, private schools and home school. The purpose of […]