“Postponement of Execution?”

Postponement of execution. This was the startling title of an article written by Dr. J. Plomp in the Gereformeerde Weekblad (Reformed Weekly), August 1, 1980, commenting on the meeting of theReformed Ecumenical Synod in Nimes, France. Dr. Plomp’s observations raise some fundamental questions about the continuation of the RCN (Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands) membership […]

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Time to Break Fellowship

A recent meeting of Classis Grand Rapids South by a vote that was one short of being unanimous decided to overture the Christian Reformed synod to sever our relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the GKN (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). Grounds: A. The decision of the GKN regarding practicing homosexuals, together with its clarification in response […]

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A Break Overdue!

The Banner of April 25, 1980 contained an excellent and informative guest editorial by Rev. W. Haverkamp entitled: “The Dutch Decisions Regarding Homosexuals.” The writer speaks of “appalling decisions” which the Gereformeerde Kerken of the Netherlands have taken concerning the matter of homosexuals and the failure of this denomination to consult with others, with whom […]

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Playing Games with the Creeds

The other day I was catching up on reading some back issues of Gereformeerd Weekblad. I read an editorial by Dr. H. N. Ridderbos concerning the controversy surrounding Dr. H. Kuitert, and how a recent synod dealt with this matter (for the so-manyeth time). While reading the account of Ridderbos, I thought to myself: the […]

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The Geremformeerde Kerken and US

What is striking if one reads the addresses of the fraternal delegates of the CKN to our synods of the last number of years, is that, almost without exception, they make a strong plea for understanding, patience and a degree of acceptance for what is taking place in their churches today. Between the lines one […]

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Recent Developments in Dutch Churches

Dr. Herman Wiersinga is a campus pastor of the Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands (RCN – Reformed Churches in the Netherlands). The doctrine of the Atonement is frequently referred to as “the heart of the gospel.” When Dr. Wiersinga attacked this doctrine and denied that the suffering and death of Christ was a payment for […]

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“If the tremendous reality that Christ has become a curse for us is denied, then the entire preaching of the Scriptures shrivels to nothing.” THE OUTLOOK is indebted to Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois, for complying with the request to make available to our readers […]

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Synod Faces “New Theology” of Amsterdam

Three years have passed since the Board of Trustees of Calvin, as well as the Synod of 1968 were earnestly petitioned by a consistory and by two classes to declare themselves on alleged erroneous teachings set forth by professors at the Free University of Amsterdam. This University is supported by and influential in the Gereformeerde […]

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News of the Dutch Churches

The most recent news from the Dutch church scene to make the headlines in the larger news media concerns Pope Paul’s appointment of chaplain Dr. Simonis as the new Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese of Rotterdam. Dr. Simonis is known to be a conservative. The rest of the Roman Catholic leadership in Holland has […]

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