The Doctrine of Christ: Our Unique Mediator II

The Church has always confessed that our Mediator “is very God and. very man: Very God by His power to conquer death; and very man that He might die for us according to the infirmity of His flesh” (Belgic Confession, Art. XIX). Of this confession, Charles Hodge wrote: Here the subject might be left. All […]

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Harry Boer the Heretic*

Harry Boer is a heretic to the extent that he asserts that the Bible has errors and in that he contradicts the Bible, the Belgic Confession (Article V) and the 1959 Christian Reformed Synod. Several consistories should protest, and through proper ecclesiastical procedure should forbid him from publicly or privately denying the inerrancy of the […]

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What We Believe

This introduction to a proposed book on the Belgic Confession was sent in by our Christian Reformed missionary to the Philippines, Rev. J. Tangelder, for publication in the Outlook. The article seems especially appropriate and helpful in meeting current attacks on the creeds and questions in many minds about their rightful place. On this subject […]

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The Reformed Ecumenical Synod

At the invitation of the Committee on Arrangements for “The Fifth Reformed Ecumenical Synod,” which met in Grand Rapids, August 7 to 16, it was my privilege to attend most of its sessions. It is not my intention to give a full report in this article of all occurrences at the BES. That would require […]

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“By these means…”

“By these means” is a title taken from the Belgic Confession, one at the creeds of the Reformed churches. Article XXX of this creed is entitled: “The Government of the Church and its Offices.” This article reads: We believe that this true Church must be governed by that spiritual polity which our Lord has taught us in […]

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Here I Stand!

(A Series of Lessons in the 37 Articles of The Confession of Faith, A Reformed Creed Usually Called The Belgic Confession.) LESSON 17 – ARTICLE XX GOD HAS MANIFESTED HIS JUSTICE AND MERCY IN CHRIST We believe that God, who is perfectly merciful and just, sent his Son to assume that nature in which the […]

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Here I Stand!

(A Series of Lessons on the 37 Articles ofThe Confession of Faith, A Reformed Creed usually called the Belgic Confession.) Lesson 13 Article XV: Original Sin We believe that through the disobedience of Adam original sin is extended to all mankind; which is a corruption of the whole nature and a hereditary disease, wherewith even infants in their mother’s womb arc infected, and which […]

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Here I Stand!

(A Series of Lessons on the 37 Articles of The Confession of Faith, A Reformed Creed usually called The Belgic Confession.) Lesson 11 Article XIII The Providence of God and His Government of All Things “We believe that the same good God, after He had created all things, did not forsake them or give them up to […]

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Here I Stand!

Lesson 9 Article XI The Holy Spirit is True and Eternal God We believe and confess also that the Holy Spirit from eternity proceeds from the Father and the Son; and therefore neither is made, created, nor begotten but only proceeds from both; who in order is the third person of the Holy Trinity; of […]

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Here I Stand

(A Series of Lessons on the 37 Articles of The Confession of Faith, A Reformed Creed usually called The Belgic Confession.) The Doctrine of God, Articles 8.13. Lesson 7 Article VIII God is One in Essence Yet Distin. guished in Three Persons According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one […]

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