An important question There can be little doubt that the question stated in the title of this article is a very important one for all who claim to be Reformed. Particularly in our time the question is of extreme importance. (1) In recent years we have witnessed all kinds of new theological developments, which […]
People who belong to the Reformed community have become thoroughly accustomed to the use of the words REFORMED and CHRISTIAN. This is especially true of those who belong to the Christian Reformed Church. We wish to submit in this article some reflections on the historical meaning and the current use of these two terms. It may be […]
At this point in our analysis of Dr. Daane’s concept of Divine sovereignty it is well for us to pause and review the conclusions which we have reached to date. We have shown that this idea of unactualized possibilities in the counsel of God is an idea which is without foundation in Scripture or creed; […]
James Daane does not claim to have “20-20 vision, nor a comparable analytical perceptiveness.” In view of what Daane sees in Christian Reformed theology one can do nothing other than agree with that statement. At the same time one cannot help wondering about the kind of spectacles Daane wears in his theological perception. To be sure, Daane does […]