
GOLDWATER AND McCARTHY: EXTREMISTS? One of the ironies of recent history is that many who condemned Senator Goldwater in 1964 for his statement “Extremism in defence of liberty is no vice” four years later demanded: Freedom in defence of extremism. Many liberals who found the ideological tendencies of the Goldwater conservatives intolerable, were most ideological-minded […]

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A PREDICAMENT WE ALL SHARE We may learn from the experiences of Ohio Valley College, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Here’s the story. Ohio Valley College, like many private colleges in the land, received federal assistance in its buildin g program, under the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963. One day, early in 1968, the college was […]

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Day of Decisions: Presidential Election 1968

Introduction The American electorate is rapidly approaching Presidential Election Day. The delegates to the national party conventions have had their say. Finally, the American people will have some choice in the selection of the next President. The two major parties offer the public little choice. Both are committed to similar principles, programs and policies. Just […]

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Christianity and Politics: Appraisal of Practice (2)

Christians’ Involvement at the State Level Throughout his essay Dr. Spoelhof hammered home the idea that distinct characteristics of American life have made our parties ones of expediency rather than programmatic parties based on principles and ideologies. On this basis many of our people justify their participation in onc of the two major parties. This […]

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Christianity and Politics: Appraisal of Practice

Introduction The previous article dealt with an evaluation of Dr. W. Spoelhof’s historistic and pragmatistic theory of the American political party system.1 After dealing with his theory of pressure groups, the present article will turn to some cases of Calvinists involved in practical politics at the local and state level. The purpose of this article […]

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Rene de Visme Williamson, Independence and Involvement: A Christian Reorientation in Political Science. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UniverSity Press, 1964, $7.50 The 1964 Presidential Election divided the Christian community along partisan principles as never before. It was, therefore, significant that during the same year Rene de Visme Williamson should make a truly Christian contribution to […]

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Why the Thunderings on the Right?

During and since Barry Goldwater’s unsuccessful run for the Presidency much has been said and written about extremism, especially extremism on the so-called “right.” Much of this commentary has been in the form of sharply adverse criticism. Not a little of this commentary has itself been extreme, though often couched in impeccable academic language with its […]

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Your Letter is a Ballot

How many times did you vote during the past year? Once? Only once? You could have voted much oftener. Indeed, you should have! You could have voted on every bill considered in Congress and by the White House. You could have voted on every issue debated in your state legislature or city council. You could […]

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Yes, It’s Kennedy

We have received some criticism of last month’s article by one of our Canadian contributors entitled: “So It’s Kennedy.” The writer of this article minimized the danger of Roman Catholic interference in public affairs. I wish to say that few if any of those in charge of TORCH AND TRUMPET are in agreement with that writer’s […]

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So It’s Kennedy Says a Canadian Minister

Time Magazine informed me politely but firmly that a foreigner would never understand the intricacies of the presidential elections. I bow unconditionally before that dictum, even though I have been residing for over 14 years on this continent, 3 of them in the USA. I understand a little bit, but since a little learning is a […]

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