BOOKS TO BE REVIEWED CRISIS IN THE LUTHERAN THEOLOGY, by John Warwick Montgomery. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids. 133 pages. Price (paper) $1.50. THE CHURCH BETWEEN THE TEMPLE AND MOSQUE, by J. H. Bavinck. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 206 pages. Price (paper) $2.65. A HANDBOOK OF CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY, byBernard Ramm. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 141 pages. Price […]
DE REALITEIT VAN HET GELOOF. H. M. Kuitert. J. H. Kok, Kampen, price f 14.50. The author of this book is assistant professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. He received his doctor’s degree in 1962, for which he wrote his thesis on De Mensvormiheid God (“The Anthropomorphism of God”). In many respects this new […]
THE WORK OF CHRIST, by C. C. Berkouwer. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 358 pages. Price: $7.50. This work represents the latest volume of the series which Professor Berkouwer is preparing under the general title: Studies In Dogmatics. These volumes are precisely what the title declares. They arc not strictly speaking works on […]
We herewith present our first article of several in which various points of view on the matter of Common Grace a re given. Since Dr. W.H. Rutgers held the chair of Systematic Theology at Calvin Seminary for a number of years and since he had made some special study of the subject, we asked him to […]