Reformed Theological Seminary

Simon Kistemaker was born The Netherlands, came to Canada in 1948, graduated from Calvin College in 1954 and from Calvin Seminary in 1957. After one year of teaching Classical Languages at Calvin College, he went to the Free University of Amsterdam where he received the Th.D. degree in the are of the New Testament in […]

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What About Form Criticism? (2)

What shall we say about form criticism? Has this scholarly pursuit contributed anything to the understanding of the formation of the Gospels? Does the form critic use a number of hypotheses in order to arrive at conclusions? These are some of the questions I shall try to answer in this lecture. Let us begin with […]

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Form Criticism (1)

For more than half a century, the word form criticism has been in circulation. And for that matter the whole movement which this word represents is hardly a modern theological trend. Yet the effect of form criticism has been noticed only in the last few decades. In fact, the study conducted by the form critics […]

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Dutch Synod Speaks

Dr. Simon Kistemaker, professor of Bible at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, was requested to supply information, as soon as possible about the decision of the Synod of the Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands concerning the well-known Kuitert controversy. Before this issue went to press, TORCH AND TRUMPET received also another article on this […]

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As a speaker, Dr. Kuitert proves to be an interesting lecturer and the material which he presents keeps his audiences spellbound. The words come naturally without effort and without elaboration. No one in the audience will ever get the feeling that the lectures are beyond his range of understanding, and no one will ever accuse […]

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