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The Wiles of the Devil

. . . that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 Since there are chiefs among the elect angels, we should not be surprised to learn that there is at least one chief among the rebel angels. The only being of this kind whom Scripture specifies by name is […]

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“Ave Maria”

Pointed Admonition I stopped my car. A middle-aged lady, thumbing a ride, stepped in. Her speech betrayed her foreign ancestry. As our conversation grew, it turned out that she was from Brabant, Holland. But who was I? she wondered, after switching to the Dutch. A minister, I explained. Oh, an “evangelist,” she responded. And she […]

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Christmas Adoration

The loftiest of all religious moods is that which finds expression in adoration. Adoration is praise of the highest type. It is such honor and homage as springs from a feeling of profound veneration and fervent love. In adoring God we do not merely thank him with deep emotion for the blessings bestowed upon us but […]

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In a recent issue of The Banner we were informed of the decision of the Synod of 1958 that financial contributions in the amount of $2000 are solicited for the restoration of the Calvin Auditorium as a living memorial to the great Reformer John Calvin. The readers of TORCH AND TRUMPET are asked to send their contributions to Our […]

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My First Christmas in Ceylon

At the approach of my first Christmas season on the Island of Ceylon, I felt a close affinity with Irving Berlin, the famous song writer. I shall never forget the poignancy of the moment and the nostalgia that overcame me when I heard the first plaintive strains of the song Berlin wrote many years before: “I’m […]

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Some Thoughts on Giving

“Thanks be to God for his un speakable gift” (II Corinthians 9:15). With these words Paul concludes a lengthy passage in which he discusses many principles regarding giving. And with these same words we ourselves may rightly begin to examine this important subject. FIRST RECEIVE Our giving to the church and other Kingdom causes should always […]

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Shall We Know Each Other There?

Read Luke 16:1–9 1. IS THE DESIRE TO SEE ONE ANOTHER AGAIN PROPER? “Shall we recognize each other in heaven?” How often this question has been asked! Some freely express their yearning to renew those happy associations broken off on earth when a dear one passed on. Others, however, are somewhat more hesitant in speaking; about […]

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Is There Progress in Heaven?

Read II Corinthians 3:12–18; Ephesians 3:14–21 1. IN HEAVEN THERE IS NO PROGRESS IN SANCTIFICATION “Nothing unclean shall enter heaven at all” (see Revelation 21:27). When a believer dies, he is in that selfsame moment wholly delivered from sin in every form. It is clear, therefore, that in the life hereafter there can be no progress […]

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