Christ is Our Peace

“But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off arc made nigh in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition, having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; that he might create […]

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Teeners’ Corner

Wants to Know How to Make and Keep Friends QUESTION: Will you recommend a book on friendship and courtship? I am in my late teens and have trouble making and keeping friends. Boys date me once or twice and that is the end of it. Sometimes I feel like giving up. I have been a student of […]

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Evolution…Still a Guess

FIRST INSTALLMENT* By the theory of evolution men attempt to explain not only the development of the universe, with all that it contains, including organic life and man, but also the origin of all things. Interest in this subject may be said to have been more or less dormant among us for some years or […]

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Manual Arts – Extraneous?

Do you believe that manual training is an essential factor in the education of our children? Then you will agree with the stand of the Christian educator who wrote this article. For a first-hand account of the story behind North Central Association’s dropping of Holland Christian High School from its list of accredited schools read Wilma […]

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Who Is My Neighbor?

The Answer of the Social Gospel When the “Social Gospel” first made its appearance in theological circles, the true church heard it, repudiated it, and branded it plainly as liberalism. But today this social Gospel is having an influence on Christian ethics in an alarming way. This is mainly because we live at a time when all […]

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WITH EMPHASIS ON THE QUESTION: WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF DEATH FOR THE BELIEVER? Read Psalm 39:4–7; Psalm 23:4 1. ITS UNIVERSALITY AND CERTAINTY “Jehovah…let me know how frail I am…Surely every man is mere breath…He heaps up riches, and knows not who shall gather them.” How very true, these words of Psalm 39. And you may […]

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A Secret of Unfathomable Depth

WHAT IS IT? Read Psalm 103 1. THE GREAT RIDDLE What is that which in a sense has nothing, yet is more precious than the whole world? That which is larger than the sky and deeper than the ocean, yet has never been seen? That which is able to assert itself most vigorously in the […]

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Does the Soul Survive Death?

Read John 11:17–26 1. THE QUESTION DEFINED The question at this point is not, “Will the dead live again?” There are those who believe that the dead will indeed live again but deny that the soul survives death! To be sure, this is a strange theory, but it is held by some people. Neither is the […]

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