Using his (or her) father as a punching bag, the young teenager said, “Boy, Dad, am I fulla pep.” That’s the young teenager. He is full of new, bursting energy and doesn’t know how to handle it. The vitality seems to run off into a hundred wonderful directions at once, and the amazed parent wonders what […]
During my ministry I have been keeping records of counseling interviews. The earlier records, I must confess, are sketchy and the notations in many instances lack insight and understanding. In more recent years the memoranda have been more complete and the observations have profited from reading and study as well as from the earlier mistakes and […]
MORE ABOUT DRAMATICS In our May–June issue I replied briefly to a request for further explanation of my published views respecting dramatics. What I wrote in that issue has wider application than was indicated. The whole matter of theatrical performances is involved. As I see it, a person who effectively plays, for example, the part […]
How many times, while filling out an income tax return or filing some sort of application, have you written in under “Occupation” the word “housewife” or “housewife and mother” with a certain amount of reluctance and even perhaps a little shame? You can claim no real occupation; you’re “just a housewife.” Have you perhaps thought back with some nostalgia […]
The house was new, so new that the dusty smell of wet cement still hung about it. The front garden was in shambles, many cabook bricks still thrown about. Rounded discs with dabs of left-over dried cement had not been picked up. A board was pulled up to the cement steps, over an oozy spot. […]
By “Synod’s decisions on Nigeria” we refer, of course, to those that pertain to the proposed union seminary, whose official name will be “Theological College of Northern Nigeria” (TCNN). For brevity’s sake we shall use in this article only the initials to designate the proposed school. […]
Time and space figure so prominently in the affairs of mankind that we need constantly to remind ourselves that time and space are created categories, that they belong to the phenomenal universe in which we live. We use the words “eternal” and “everlasting” to describe that which is timeless. But we ought to realize that we have only […]
Dr. Carl F. H. Henry’s book Evangelical Responsibility in Contemporary Theology is small in size but rich in content. It gives a bird’s eye view of the current theological scene. And, of course, it gives this survey from the evangelical point of view. In particular it wants to discover the opportunity and therewith the responsibility […]
When the great composer Joseph Haydn wrote the music of his immortal “Creation,” he may have been sitting on a grassy hillside in June, as the sun descended in all its glory behind a delicate curtain of iridescent clouds whose beauty spoke clearly of the words in Psalm 19, “The heavens declare the glory of God and […]
The Christian Medical Society is an organization of physicians, medical students, and others in the profession whose purpose is to: (a) “present a positive witness of God our Father, Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit to our associates in the profession, and (b) gain the mutual strength and encouragement to be attained in meeting […]