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The Mystery of God’s Will

Devotional Studies in Ephesians “…making known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him unto a dispensation of the fulness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth.” Ephesians 1:9, 10 Several times in […]

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Where Do Our Teamsters Stand?

Our readers know about the Congressional investigations of the methods and policies of David Beck and James R. Hoffa, leaders of the powerful Teamsters’ Union and the corrupt practices which came to light in the course of these inquiries. They have read about the packed convention at Miami where Mr. Hoffa was elected as president of […]

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The New Christology

Much has been written and perhaps more will be written about the thought-provoking article by Dr. James Daane in the Reformed Journal of September, 1957, on “The State of Theology in the Church.” We wish to reflect in this article on just one phase—an important one of the argumentation of Dr. Daane. We have in mind […]

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Christ’s Lordship and the Cross

We should be exceedingly grateful for the emphasis today on the Lordship of Christ. It is the same emphasis which we find in the works of Dr. Abraham Kuyper on the Kingship of Christ. We think in this connection of his inspiring work on Pro Rege (“For the King”). We must stress the Lordship of Christ […]

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A New Year’s Experience in Ceylon

One New Year’s morning shall never forget. I had attended a church service, conducted by my husband, in one of our churches centered in the hospital district of Colombo, Ceylon. After service my husband had gone sick-visiting in the general hospital near by. Tired of waiting in the car I made my way to the busy intersection, passing […]

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1958…A Threat and a Challenge

The holly and tinsel of Christmas have been removed and we have set our houses in order once more. A New Year has begun, bringing an unusually large package of questions and probabilities which we now have time to think about. The Old Year slowly wrapped its purple shawl around its shoulders and silently slipped into […]

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Our almighty and merciful covenant God is our beginning and our end. That is true in the broader perspectives of time and eternity. That is also true as we move into the new year 1958. We, the publishers of Torch and Trumpet. most cordially greet you our readers as this new mile in our pilgrimage is begun. May […]

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The Second Coming of Christ

The Resurrection – l Outline XIII From your Bibles read John 5:19–30 When Jesus returns, he will raise the dead (I Cor. 15:52). We now him to a paragraph in which this resurrection is discussed, namely, the paragraph which you read just now. I. MEANING, IN BRIEF, OF THIS PARAGRAPH It was on the Sabbath […]

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Are We Getting Through to Our Youth?

A Problem Did you ever talk to some one and feel inside that what you tried to convey did not affect him in any way? Perhaps you could tell by the stare in his eyes that what you were saying did not register. Public speakers have experienced the same thing. At the close of an […]

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A Re-formed Reformed Theology?

The Reformation is not an event but a movement. It is the dynamic of true progress in the Church of Jesus Christ. Reformation cannot be regarded as merely an achievement of the sixteenth century; it is a duty also in the twentieth century. The church may never regard her reformation as completed at any point in her history. This […]

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