Who has not heard John Dewey referred to from the pulpits in our churches, from platforms, and in panel discussions and symposiums on education? In recent years his name has appeared in newspaper syndicates and editorials dealing with schools and education more frequently than that of any other philosopher and educator of the past. Who Was […]
A Problem Did you ever talk to some one and feel inside that what you tried to convey did not affect him in any way? Perhaps you could tell by the stare in his eyes that what you were saying did not register. Public speakers have experienced the same thing. At the close of an […]
More than thirty years ago the writer heard a Methodist minister of the gospel make this statement before a group engaged in a study of Christian leadership in Protestant churches, “Unless tho Christian church undergirds gospel preaching with a sound educational program centered in the Scriptures she will find her influence decreaSing rapidly,” This brother in the […]
Introduction In his recent book on Sex in Childhood and Youth, Dr. Alfred Schmieding of Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Illinois, makes this observation, “There has for some time been a closer drawing together of teaching and psychology. And if I see the signs aright, there is at present an approach between teaching and psychiatry. Teaching and psychiatry […]