Devotional Studies in Ephesians . . . to the saints that are at Ephesus end the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 1:1, 2 Paul addressed this epistle to the “saints and faithful at Ephesus.” Perhaps it was intended to be circulated among other […]
• The Bull’s Eye in Satan’s Target • The Target 15 Being Hit • Let’s Not Fail to Observe Reformation Day! • The Reformation of Our Homes Archery as a sport is becoming increasingly popular today. The archer uses bow and arrow to shoot at a target. In the center of the target is a small circle […]
A nurse in our hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, once made this remark to the writer of this article: “No pastors are more faithful in calling on their sick at the hospital than the pastors from your church.” Of course the writer was most pleased to hear this praiseful remark regarding the pastoral work of his church […]
During the month which has just passed hundreds of thousands of schools in our land have reopened their doors to America’s children. Freshly starched and scrubbed, the youngsters left their homes, most of them eagerly anticipating the return of organized activity. Smiling parents waved them off, grateful that their offspring could once more benefit from […]
We take much pleasure in reproducing the accompanying document, first issued et Wheaton, Illinois, in November of last year. The paragraphs have been numbered by the editors for purposes of more convenient reference. Such references are found at several points (sometimes by numerals in parentheses) in the evaluation by Dr. Anthony A. Hoekema of the Bible […]
The question of the inspiration of the Bible may well be called the most basic issue confronting the church today. What one thinks about the Scriptures ultimately determines one’s theology all the way down the line. Historic Christianity has always been based on, belief in the Bible as the infallibly inspired Word of God. In our day, […]
“Without doubt the most perplexing and crucial social, moral, and religious issue in America today is the problem of racial segregation. This divisive controversy has been with us for a long time, but matters have been recently brought to a head by the legal judgment of the Supreme Court in 1954.” So wrote the editor of Theology Today […]
Thus far in our analysis of Dr. Daane’s theory of “Unactualized Possibilities in the Counsel of God” we have seen with respect to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ that Scripture regards it as a fact inevitably certain. We have seen particularly that the crucifixion was determined by God’s counsel from before the foundation of the world. […]
1. INTRODUCTION Once upon a time a group of legalists (Pharisees) and liberals (Sadducees) came to Jesus to test him. Their purpose was “to show him up,” that is, to prove that he was not at all what he claimed to be. So they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. They meant to […]
There have been other autumns ere this one Came with its fragrant, spicy breath To claim its mystic power over human hearts; And yet, its beauty trembles in the throes of death. I have seen fleecy clouds before in rare blue skies, With sloping hillside decked with sumac, gaudy red… While foremost preened the maples, […]