Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 13: A Time of Reformation

Introduction When Ezra talks about intermarriage, he is not making distinctions along narrow ethnic lines. This book cannot be construed as a call for ethnic cleansing or for white supremacy or anything like that. This is a call for religious purity, for marriage only between believers, and for a rejection of marriage between believer and […]

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\We are now ready to discuss the third foundational principle underlying IRBC’s philosophy of counseling: God sovereignly superintends over the Spectrum of Environments,™ using them at times to specifically create problems in people’s lives. This principle is largely what one of the domains within the Secondary Dominant Domains™ is built upon. The domain being referenced […]

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A Case for Reformed Christian Education

During my childhood, a sermon in August on Christian education was not uncommon. There was no doubt that the minister was speaking about the local Christian school that had the Reformed faith as the basis for this education. It was preached unashamedly as the right thing to do for the training of covenant children in […]

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The Philosophy of Death

Horrifyingly, some fifty-seven million babies were aborted in their mothers’ wombs since the passage of Roe v. Wade forty-four years ago. There’s much that can be said of abortion—the thinking that justifies it, how it has become a stock response among many, and the hardening of society’s collective conscience because of this.               A voice for […]

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Interview with Rev. Daniel Hyde

Interview with Rev. Daniel Hyde Help us get to know you better by telling us about your pathway to ministry. Beginning when I was eleven years old, all I wanted to do was play basketball. Even after my conversion at age seventeen, I was driven by a passion to earn a scholarship, then play professionally […]

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Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible In an article in the Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, one author described “the collapse of the liberal church” in Canada and its equivalent in America. The author spoke of the synod of the United Church of Canada, at which one of its main agenda items was a resolution calling for the boycott […]

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