Heaven: Does It Exist?

“I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.” (Ecclesiastes 3:14–15) Heaven: does […]

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Exodus 12:1–29 In this article we will consider the relationship between the Passover festival and the tenth plague. And in so doing, we will consider how the Passover is a memorial, a feast, and a lasting ordinance, which continues through the Lord’s Supper.  When Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper they are keeping the Pass­over that […]

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Read Genesis 42:1–28 Introduction The famine strikes Egypt just as the dreams had indicated and just as Joseph had said.  God had sent the dreams, gave Joseph the interpreta­tion, and sent the famine, thus con­firming Joseph in his role as a kind of prophet in Egypt.  God had raised him from the pit of prison […]

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Read Genesis 42:29–38 Introduction The first audience of the ten brothers with Joseph did not go smoothly at all. It almost certainly did not occur to them as they had entered Egypt that they would be singled out and ac­cused of being spies, held in custody, with Simeon arrested before they are permitted to return […]

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Godly Hospitality

Many of the words we commonly use today do not carry the same meaning as the Bible intended for them. The word “hospitality” is a good example. A simple Google search, for example, produces page after page of information on the Hospitality industry (hotels, res­taurants etc.), but nothing resem­bling biblical hospitality. In modern vernacular, there […]

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Convening at Community United Reformed Church of Schererville, IN  —  November 12-13, 2007 Classis Central US has a new can­didate for the ministry and a new manner of overseeing its treasurer. Meeting at Community URC in Schererville, Ind., under the over­sight of Cornerstone URC (Sanborn), the 22nd meeting of Classis Central US convened on the […]

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Thoughts for the New Year

We are living in an age where Hol­lywood permeates the modern mind and holds all things holy in disdain. Public education disre­gards the Triune God altogether while flaunting the blasphemous theory of evolution. Throughout the nation laws are being passed protecting evil while our Lord is being banned from all places pub­lic. The preborn babes […]

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The Almighty King Worship Him in His Holiness

Psalm 99 There is a theme that runs through­out the entire Bible. It is evident in the creation of the world, in the calling of Abraham, the giving of the law, the sacrificial system, the tent of meeting, tabernacle and temple. It is evident with the death of Achan when he disobeyed the Lord and […]

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