Jesus changed everything. His coming turned the world upside down: the poor became rich, the blind were given sight, the lame were made to walk, the mute were restored to sing, the outcast was welcomed, the weary were given rest. Because of what He accomplished, we now have free access into the very presence of […]
Read Genesis 37:2–11 Introduction We turn here to the stories that will revolve mainly around Joseph and also Judah. But again, we must be alert to what God is doing to advance His cause and His Kingdom in and through Joseph and Judah. The Bible does not give us interesting biographies of the “good guys” […]
Read Genesis 37:12–36 Introduction In the opening verses of Genesis 37 we are given a glimpse into the attitudes that lived in the household of aging Jacob. He has children from four different women, two wives and two maidservants. But Jacob loves the firstborn of his beloved wife Rachel, and he does not hide that […]
The most recent synod of the Canadian Reformed Churches convened on May 9 in the northern town of Smithers, BC to deal with appeals against decisions of minor assemblies and matters in common among the churches. Over the past years various synods have appointed committees to perform tasks on behalf and for the Canadian Reformed […]
The General Assembly is the highest court of the Presbyterian Church in America, and it takes place every year for the governing of the Church, the promotion of the Gospel, and our mutual edification. This year’s General Assembly met in Memphis, Tennessee on June 1214. Unlike some other Reformed denominations, the PCA does not have […]
When Synod Schererville 2007 convened on Monday, July 9, at Trinity Christian College, its delegates raised their voices in psalms extolling the unity of God’s people. An exhortation by Rev. Paul Ipema called delegates to remember the blessing of the unity which they have – and which they must cultivate – in Christ. But exhortations […]
The title of this article is taken from the fable in which several people have gathered together in a small room to talk. In the room is an elephant that constantly gets in the way. While craning their necks, shouting to be heard, and awkwardly moving around the obstacle in the middle of the room, […]
“And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church.” (Ephesians 1:22) Both the Old Testament and the new Testament abound in passages that refer to the kingly character and the rule of Jesus Christ. Isaiah, for […]
This, the rhythm of my hour, this the only certain power, Jesus Christ forgives my sin, I am trusting all in Him; My heart He promises to rule, saying like a herald true: “Repent, believe, and trust anew.” This, the rhythm of my day, this the only faithful way: Holding sin I seek my Lord, […]
Exodus 10:1–20 When reading the book of Exodus it is important to keep in mind that the Exodus event represents a great contest. The ten plagues and the exodus event were confrontations between the God of the Hebrews and the false gods of Egypt. The gods of Egypt include Pharaoh, as the incarnation of Ra, […]