The Kingdom Demands Complete Devotion

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great […]

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The House of Herod

The New Testament is replete with references to various men called Herod. A king named Herod was ruling in Jerusalem when Jesus was born. This Herod ordered the murder of the baby boys of Bethlehem in an attempt to snuff out the life of the Christ child. Matthew makes a cryptic reference also to this […]

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As we saw last month, the Christian is perpetually brought back to justification and the work of Christ alone, even when discussing sanctification. Here is our confidence and help in time of need. The Use of the Law in Sanctification The question remains, how do we know what to do that is pleasing to God […]

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Supra, Infra, and Biblical Theology

The debate between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism has caused many a sound theologian to throw up his hands in bewilderment and utter words akin to R.L. Dabney’s reaction: “In my opinion this is a question which never ought to have been raised.” But whether or not Dabney was right is beside the point at the present […]

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This meeting was the fourth combined meeting of the two committees. Previous meetings were held in London Ontario, Ancaster Ontario and Jenison Michigan, the role of host alternating between the committees. Rev. G. Ph. Van Popta, convener of the Book of Praise committee, led us in opening devotions. The participants reintroduced themselves, and Rev. Allen […]

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URCNA Theological Education Committee

The United Reformed Church of North America’s Theological Education Committee met by conference call on April 21, 2004. At this meeting the following motion was adopted: The committee’s position is that a federation of churches may have a federational seminary, but it is not necessary to have one. The committee believes that it is not […]

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Jean Taffin

The movement of the Nadere Reformatie had certain principles in mind when they sought to bring about changes within the church. These principles included the exclusive headship of Jesus Christ over His church; independence of magisterial authority; the supreme and ultimate authority of God’s Word in the church; and the subjection of all nations to […]

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Jesus, Master of the Free

In our last study, we saw the necessity of acknowledging Jesus of Nazareth as the only begotten Son of God. We saw how we receive freedom from sin because Christ, the Son of God, has set us free. This month we consider how we can enjoy that freedom that the Son of God has granted […]

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In a recent article, we turned our attention to Revelation 4:4, where John described the twenty four elders who surround the throne of God: “Around the throne were twenty four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads.” It was […]

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