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Renewed Minds and Pierced Bodies

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2               How we parent changes as our children grow and mature. My current methodology for parenting, because my four sons are all quite young, […]

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All you need is faith. As long as you have faith, you’re fine. If you have listened to politicians, watched television, and kept up with the pop philosophy of the culture around us this is a predominant view of spirituality in our day. As long as a person has faith, no matter what that faith […]

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A tsunami snuffs out the lives of hundreds of thousands in Asia in a matter of moments. A string of hurricanes wreaks havoc upon the southeastern states. Tornadoes twist through the Midwest, leaving hundreds homeless. Earthquakes shake the West Coast. Fire rages along the plains of the West. Torrential downpours flood many homes, with mudslides […]

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Spiritual Warfare and Islam

Islam is constantly in the news. Open any newspaper or magazine, turn on the radio or television, and there will be stories about Islam. Many news stories report on the resurgence of Islam, the increasing attendance at mosques, the devout observance of fasting during Ramadan, a proliferation of Islamic publications in print and audiovisual media, […]

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A Balanced Approach to Spiritual Warfare

The title of this article would seem to indicate to the reader that there exists among Christians today an unbalanced approach to the whole matter of spiritual warfare. After researching the matter personally in conjunction with some of my doctoral studies in Biblical counseling, it has become apparent that such is the case. There is […]

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Monasticism in the Early Church

Prior to the Protestant Reformation, monasteries covered the landscape of Europe. Christians were convinced that monastic seclusion was among the highest forms of holiness. Self-deprivation and ascetic rigor were treated as virtual means of grace. The apostles did not establish monasteries. Far from promoting self-deprivation as a way to holiness, the Apostle Paul, in 1 […]

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The Trinity in the Gospel of John (Part 1)

John begins his Gospel with a glimpse into the life of the Godhead. It is an indication of what he intends to do in his book—to unveil significant truth concerning the mystery of the Trinity. The apostle in his prologue invites us to leave the humdrum thoughts and concerns of everyday life to fix our […]

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No More Silence

Some time (years) ago I wrote some critical comments about the Committee for Ecumenicity of the URC with regard to its contacts with the Canadian Reformed Churches. The point of what I said was this: We should strive for unity with the Canadian Reformed Churches short of federative unity. That was not taken kindly of […]

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Our catechism poses a very natural question for those who call themselves children of God. Why is Jesus referred to and confessed as “the only begotten Son” since we, too, are children of God? The Word of God leaves no doubt as to the unique relationship that Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, has […]

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